An Examination of Idaho High School Football Coaches’ General Understanding of Concussion

### Abstract

While the underreporting of concussions to high school football players has been previously documented through an investigation of the general understanding of football players, no studies to date have looked at high school football coaches’ general understanding of concussion. This study was conducted in 2006 with a dual purpose of examining the Idaho high school football coaches’ general understanding of concussion and determining whether or not those coaches were consistent with experts’ recommendations in concussion management, including the determination of the appropriate time for return to play. Questionnaires were sent to all Idaho high school head football coaches (n=128) of which 60% (n=77) responded. Data showed the consistency, or lack thereof, of concussion management and return to play, relative to published expert guidelines. Upon analysis it was clear that these coaches’ practices were not consistent with expert recommendations regarding identifying and managing concussion. Many coaches were unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms of concussion, and were especially naïve when it came to identifying instances of mild concussion, including “bell ringers” and “dings”. There was also a lack of awareness about objective tools related to return-to-play decision making. Coaches who had access to athletic trainers managed concussion more consistently. Across all levels, but especially in smaller schools, there was a lack of concussion education afforded to coaches.

**Keywords:** concussion, coaches, high school, football, education

### Introduction

An estimated 300,000 sport-related concussions occur annually in the United States, with high school football players suffering more than 64,000 of those injuries (4, 12, 29). These are the known cases. Thousands more are believed to go unreported (5,16, 29). A concussion is defined as, “any transient neurological dysfunction resulting from a biomechanical force that may of may not result in a loss of consciousness” (8, p. 228). Unlike a cut, a scrape, or a broken leg, concussive injuries are rarely visually obvious. What makes concussive injuries even more complicated is the fact that concussion is a functional injury, not a structural one, meaning it will affect neurocognitive performance but not necessarily show up on MRI or CT scans (5,6,31). This could contribute to the lack of concussion diagnosis or to the belief that concussion does not necessitate conservative treatment if structural damage is not found. In 1990, Dr. M. Goldstein (9) referred to concussion as “a silent epidemic” (p. 327). Unfortunately, nearly two decades later, Goldstein’s warning still sends shockwaves, as young athletes die from sport-induced concussions (1,13,25). Leading experts agree that high school athletes have a significantly greater risk of sustaining a concussion, and that those concussions take longer to heal when compared with concussions sustained by college-aged athletes (6,7). There are many potential reasons for this, but most researchers agree that the younger brain is more vulnerable because it is not fully developed (11,17). Furthermore, many concussions sustained by younger athletes go unreported because youth sport coaches, leaders, parents and even athletes themselves do not fully understand what concussion is or that it has occurred (6,16). Experts agree, even so-called “bell ringers” and “dings” require medical attention and should be considered concussive injuries (17,31). When such momentary states of disorientation or dizziness are ignored, an additional threat is posed in the form of Second Impact Syndrome, or SIS (1,13,22). SIS may occur when an athlete sustains a second concussion before the symptoms of the first have healed (1). Though rare, SIS is characterized by rapid swelling of the brain and may be fatal (2). SIS is most often associated with adolescent athletes, perhaps because of the sensitivity of their developing brains, and because the seriousness of the first concussion is often overlooked (1,5,13,22,28).

While the national spotlight illuminates instances of deaths that occur from sport-related concussion, there still remains the need to educate sport leaders on ways to protect the athletes who compete (21). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (3) offer a free toolkit, Heads Up: Concussion in High School Sports that is available to coaches at no charge. In addition, the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) and its Appropriate Medical Care for Secondary School-Aged Athletes Task Force (AMCSSAA) have made several recommendations (11). Among them are that every high school in the United States develop and implement a comprehensive athletic health care administrative system. Athletic trainers and physicians are critical components of that system (11,16).

Recognizing a lack of athletic trainers in Idaho’s secondary school setting and especially in the rural school environment, a study was conducted in 2006 with the dual purpose of examining the Idaho high school football coaches’ general understanding of concussion, and determining whether or not those coaches were consistent with experts’ recommendations when it came to managing concussion and determining the appropriate time for return to play following concussion. The findings make clearer the need for proper concussion management in high schools, including the need for athletic trainers and continuing education for coaches. Understanding the characteristics of concussion and recognizing the unavailability of athletic trainers, the following research questions guided this investigation:

1. Who was the person most often called upon to identify and manage concussive injury in Idaho’s high school football programs?
2. What is the Idaho high school football coaches’ general understanding of current research on concussion characteristics, evaluation and management?
3. Relative to published expert recommendations, how consistently did Idaho high school football coaches determine when it was safe to return concussed athletes to play?
4. What, if any, continuing education opportunities have been made available to Idaho high school football coaches in the area of concussion management?

### Methods

#### Participants

The participants consisted of 128 Idaho high schools fielding a high school football program. All head football coaches were invited to participate in the study (N=128) via postcards and e-mails, with contact information obtained through the directory of the Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA).

#### Instrumentation

This study involved the use of two instruments. The primary instrument was a questionnaire entitled *Profiles and Perceptions of Idaho High School Football Coaches*. This instrument was developed by the researchers to address the research questions, and employed a forced choice response format, supplemented by two open-ended questions. Once drafted, the questionnaire was subjected to expert review with two of the nation’s leading experts on concussion research and six athletic trainers from the Idaho Athletic Trainers’ Association.

The secondary instrument was *The Concussion Management and Return to Play Protocol*. This instrument employed a semi-structure interview protocol and focused on research questions two and three. Like the questionnaire, it was subjected to expert review as described above. The interview protocol was engaged in person with a small, purposive sample of high school football coaches (n=10). The interview questions were phrased to solicit responses that explained the coaches’ behaviors when it came to managing concussion and determining when it was safe to return an athlete to play.

#### Procedures

Institutional review board approval was obtained from Idaho State University before the study began. In mid-September of 2005, all Idaho head high school football coaches were invited to participate via a mailed postcard. The postcard summarized the study purpose and alerted the coaches that a survey packet would arrive the following week. At the same time, Idaho high school principals and athletic directors were informed about the study via an e-mail blast. Administrators were asked to encourage their coaches to participate. The following week the survey packets were mailed. The packets included an introductory letter, a copy of the primary instrument, and a postage-paid, self-addressed return envelope. Coaches were instructed to complete the questionnaire within a two-week time period. The following week, an email reminder was sent to both the coaches and athletic directors. Informed consent was implied upon completion and return of the questionnaire.

Interviews were conducted approximately 6 weeks after the return of the questionnaires. This time frame was chosen because it coincided with the state high school football playoffs and there was good accessibility to a purposive sample of coaches. The interviews were audiotaped and lasted between 10 to 45 minutes. Recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and interviewees were sent the transcripts with a request to check for response accuracy. Because of convenience, electronic mail transmission was the preferred method for these communications. Coaches were encouraged to make necessary corrections and/or add additional comments. To ensure confidentiality, final verbatim transcripts were coded, and referenced in the study by those codes.

#### Data Analysis

For the primary instrument, data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics. The data were also stratified according to athletic classification level (i.e., school size). Narrative data from the two open-ended questions, “In the space below, please describe any other signs or symptoms that you would expect to be a sign or symptom of concussion that are not listed above” and “Please use the space provided below to make comments/suggestions that could benefit you as a coach in recognizing the signs and symptoms of head injuries in sports” were reviewed and read noting common themes.

As Yin (33) pointed out, it is necessary to go beyond the simple collection of descriptive data and begin the complex procedure of analyzing behavioral characteristics. Therefore, it was deemed important to also consider the behaviors that guided the coaches’ decision-making processes. When reviewing the interview transcripts, processes of open and axial coding were used to help with pattern analysis (27). Open coding was the first step toward distinguishing “properties” and “dimensions” in the data (27, p. 102). Themes and subthemes emerged that helped to explain the coaches’ patterns of behavior. Special attention was directed to repeated words and phrases, and to the chronological behaviors of the coaches. We first identified these themes and subthemes and later their presence in the data was confirmed by a data analysis focus group consisting of athletic trainers from the Idaho Athletic Trainers’ Association. Focus group members were instructed to separate narrative data into their own major themes and subthemes. The focus group’s thematic analyses were then compared to the thematic analysis derived by the researchers. Finally, through discussion between the researchers and focus group members, the agreed-upon thematic constructs were narrowed and confirmed (see Table 1).

### Results

Study findings are reported first regarding respondent/interviewee demographics, then by questionnaire areas of inquiry. Specifically these areas of inquiry include: person(s) responsible for concussion identification and management, coaches’ understanding of concussion identification and management, return to play decision-making, coaches’ continuing education relative to concussion identification and management, and findings reviewed relative to school size.

#### Demographics

Of the 128 coaches invited to participate in the study, 77 responded, resulting in a 60.1% response rate. The responses represented all five Idaho high school athletic classification levels. All participating coaches confirmed they were the head varsity football coach at their school. Descriptive data related to participant demographics appear in Table 2. Of the responding coaches, 93.3% (n=70) stated they had taken a basic or advanced first aid course through the American Red Cross (ARC) or the American Heart Association (AHA), and 94.7% (n=71) stated they had taken a CPR course through one of the same organizations. Nearly 88% of the coaches (n=65) also mentioned they had received formal training in sports injury prevention at some time in their past. While 89% (n=66) of coaches could identify formalized educational training in sport-specific issues (such as tackling), only 42% (n=31) stated they had also received formal training in football equipment fitting (see Table 2).

#### Person(s) Responsible for Concussion Identification and Management

To better understand who identifies and manages concussion in Idaho high school football programs, the questionnaire asked the coaches to clarify the person(s) primarily responsible for evaluating sports related head injuries including concussion. Only 35.9% (n=23) acknowledged having an athletic trainer at their disposal regularly for practices and games. Coaches were asked, “When an athlete on your team sustains a head injury or suspected concussion, what is the title of the person who is most often called upon to evaluate the injury?” Understanding that some teams might have medical personnel on hand for game settings but not for practices, coaches were asked to clarify any differences that might exist between practice and game situations. Figure 1 depicts the summary of the coaches’ responses, and reveals the distribution of responsibility when it comes to evaluation of concussion (see Figure 1).

To better understand return to play practices, coaches were also asked, “When an athlete on your team sustains a head injury or suspected concussion, what is the title of the person who is most often called upon to determine when it is safe to return the athlete to play?” Again, responses were specific to practice and game situations. Figure 2 displays these responses, and shows the distribution of responsibility when it comes to determining return to play (see Figure 2).

#### Coaches’ General Understanding of Concussion Identification and Management

Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of coaches had previously taken first aid or sports injury management courses, most Idaho high school football coaches felt they were unprepared to manage concussion inherent in football. 76.7% (n=56) of participants stated they did not feel they had been adequately trained in this area. Participants were also asked whether or not the risk of concussion in the sport of football concerned them. Overwhelmingly, 94.2% (n=65) of coaches said the risk of concussion in football did concern them.

Coaches acknowledged their job duties extend beyond schematics. 86.3% (n=63) of coaches felt they had a responsibility to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of concussion and to know how to tell when it is safe to return an athlete to play. However, when participants were asked to identify what they felt those signs and symptoms of concussion were given a list, there seemed to be some confusion. While common signs and symptoms such as headache and disorientation were widely recognized, the majority of coaches did not understand that less-common symptoms, such as difficulty breathing and insomnia, are indicative of concussion, as well. Only 32% (n=24) of participants felt difficulty breathing could be associated with concussion, and 29% (n=22) understood insomnia to be connected to concussion. Other notable signs and symptoms of concussion were also mistaken, including sensitivity to noise (47%, n=35) and sensitivity to light (69%, n=52). Table 3 displays coaches’ responses when asked to identify whether or not a certain sign or symptom could be indicative of concussion. Experts have agreed that all of these signs and symptoms are consistent with concussion (11,17). It was important to note that 97.3% (n=73) of the participants understood that a concussion is not always accompanied by a loss of consciousness. These data may help to dispel the myth that concussion is only associated with a loss of consciousness (see Table 3).

Interview data were grouped according to observations regarding (a) physical signs and symptoms, (b) mental status, and (c) kinesthetic awareness. When asked, “How do you know when a concussion is sustained? Describe the first thing you look for,” nearly all of the coaches said the athlete’s eyes, specifically, “the pupils of the eye” (C7, C10) were the primary focal point. C2’s methods were more unique. Replying that he had been “trained real good” in a “five-minute training”, C2 described his process:

> The only way I’ve been taught is to look at his eyes… to have him shut his eyes and stay real still and if he opens his eyes and his pupils dilate, then he probably doesn’t have a head injury.

Some coaches did not seem to understand the potential seriousness of those concussions that do not result in a loss of consciousness, especially mild (Grade 1) concussions. “Bell ringers” were often not identified as concussions. Participants were asked to respond to a scenario and decide whether or not they felt a player who was “hit hard, feels dazed and confused for just a few minutes (sometimes referred to as ‘getting his bell rung’), but who is able to walk back to the huddle on his own” had suffered a concussion. 57.6% (n=38) felt that the player had sustained a concussion while 42.4% (n=28) felt that the player had not sustained a concussion. Seven participants either did not answer the question or commented that they were unsure. Concussion researchers agree that getting one’s bell rung is characteristic of mild concussion. However, it is often dismissed (11,17). At least one coach acknowledged his uncertainty:

> In my opinion and experience as a player and a coach, every player experiences at least one of the symptoms … at least once a game and practice. Where to draw the line between a real head injury and getting your bell rung is tough. (C15)

#### Return to Play Decision-making

As stated, many coaches acknowledged a duty to determine when it was safe to allow a concussed athlete to return to activity. An additional set of questions in the questionnaire sought to detect whether or not Idaho high school football coaches felt the seriousness of a concussion, formerly referred to as a grade, played a role in allowing an athlete to continue play. When asked if a player who had sustained a Grade 1, or mild, concussion should be immediately removed from a game or practice, 57.3% (n=43) said yes. 34.7% (n=26) said no, and 8.0% (n=6) stated that they did not know. When asked if a player who had sustained a Grade 2, or moderate, concussion should be immediately removed from the game or practice, 88.0% (n=66) said yes, 6.7% (n=5) said no, and 5.3% (n=4) said they did not know. When asked if a player who had sustained a Grade 3, or severe, concussion should be immediately removed from the game or practice, 94.6% (n=70) of coaches said he should, 4.1% (n=3) said he should not, and 1.4% (n=1) said he did not know. Clearly, these coaches were aware that as concussion grade increased, play/participation should be discontinued.

The coaches’ methods for determining return to play were further explored through the interviews. Responses were grouped according to those that typically make referrals to physicians and/or athletic trainers, and those that do not. Coaches who stated they had athletic trainers at their disposal said they are not involved in the decision-making process. When asked, “How do you decide when it is safe to allow an athlete with a concussion to go back into the game?” C3 abruptly responded, “We don’t decide. That’s decided by the team doctor and the trainer.”

Other coaches said they sometimes do not make referrals. C8 said he was hesitant to allow his athletes to be evaluated by physicians. He did not agree that bell ringers were consistent with concussion, nor did he agree that there was an added risk of playing through such an injury. C8 suggested doctors were too quick to diagnose a concussion and remove an athlete from play, thereby making his coaching job more difficult:

> I just think doctors are sometimes being so leery that if there’s any question in their mind then they say the kid’s got a concussion and shouldn’t play. They just don’t want to risk getting sued. There’s got to be a happy medium there.

Influencers were apparent when it came to return to play decision-making. While the majority of coaches said they would always keep the safety of the athlete as the primary focus, and that they would “err on the side of caution” and “sit players out” (C17), several coaches acknowledged the pressure to win or play, or pressure from parents, school administrators, and the athletes themselves, had, at some point, impacted their decisions. C8 said as a coach, his job was “to get the best players on the field” and that sitting players out for something as simple as a bell ringer “can get to the point where we side on the side of over-caution – to the point where it can get a little ridiculous.” C6 said it was “a little hard” to hold one of his better athletes out, “especially when the community recognizes how vital that player is to the team’s success.” C4 suggested he also might follow different rules for different kids. He told me, “When you’re a senior, you know how that works – you’ve been around athletics… you get a senior and he really wants to play.”

Participating coaches were largely unfamiliar with evidence-based concussion assessment tools. These were identified as symptom scale checklists, the Sideline Assessment of Concussion, and computerized neurocognitive assessments, such as ImPACT, HeadMinder and CogState. 56.8% (n=42) of coaches stated they never use concussion assessment tools. Of those who indicated they were familiar with the tools, 25.7% (n=19) said they were familiar with concussion symptom scale checklists, 9.5% (n=7) said they were familiar with the Sideline Assessment of Concussion, or SAC, and 6.8% (n=5) said they knew about computerized neurocognitive testing programs. No coaches were familiar with the Balance Error Scoring System. When asked how frequently they used these evidence-based assessment tools, only 18.9% (n=14) of those coaches who were familiar with one or more of the tools stated that they use them every time a suspected concussion was sustained, and 40% (n=12) said they learned about them from an athletic trainer. Of the eight coaches interviewed, only one described a research-based procedure for determining whether or not an athlete could return to play. This coach was at a 5A school with two athletic trainers. The athletic trainers at this school utilized the ImPACT concussion assessment tool:

> During the week if it’s not a game we hold the player out until they have taken a post concussion test and we evaluate their scores from when they were healthy to after the concussion has happened. Once they score equivalent to where they were prior to a concussion and they feel good and they’re cleared by the trainer or the doctor then they’re able to return. (C9)

#### Continuing Education

Participants were asked whether or not the school they coached at had provided them with training opportunities aimed at concussion and other sports injury management. 60% (n=45) stated that their school had not offered any additional training, while 40% (n=30) stated their school had. The majority stated they would be eager to learn more about the topic. 97.83% (n=72) said they would be more likely to use an evidence-based concussion assessment tool if it were made available to them at no cost. And, when asked whether or not they would be likely to participate in an educational program to teach them how to be more prepared to handle concussion injuries, 98.6% (n=71) said they would be.

#### Data Stratification by School Size
After initial analysis, the data were stratified to see whether or not trends existed relative to school size. As expected, there was a marked difference in the presence of athletic trainers based on school size. At Idaho’s largest (5A) high schools (more than 1280 students), an athletic trainer worked regularly with all football teams. By comparison, only 7% of Idaho’s smallest (1A) schools (less than 159 students) coaches stated that they had an athletic trainer. Table 4 displays these data and shows the presence of athletic trainers at the various athletic classifications (see Table 4).

The availability of athletic trainers at Idaho’s larger schools relieved coaches of the primary responsibility of concussion identification and management. C15 said, “I would rather my trainer do that and I just coach football.” C20 commented, “Having an athletic trainer has been a big relief on me on making decisions on head injuries.” Without athletic trainers, coaches inherited the responsibility. At the 1A level, 70.6% of coaches (n=12) said they were the ones responsible for identifying concussive injuries when they occur at practice. At the 2A level, 46.7% of coaches (n=7) assumed this responsibility, and 73.7% of 3A coaches (n=14) had the responsibility. By comparison, none of the 5A coaches who participated in this study acknowledged having responsibility for concussion identification and management. During game situations, coaches at the smaller schools acknowledged having more medical assistance to rely on. Physicians, nurses and EMTs were often available during games, even at the smaller schools. Because of their presence, just over 35% of 1A coaches (n=6) said they were the ones responsible for identifying concussive injuries in a game setting. Nearly 27% of 2A coaches (n=4) and 33% of 3A coaches (n=3) had this responsibility. All 4A and 5A coaches suggested the responsibility of managing concussion-related injuries was charged to either athletic trainers and/or team physicians during game situations. Table 5 displays these data and the differences between school classification in terms of concussion identification and management (see Table 5).

In Idaho, it was apparent that the smaller the school, the more likely the coach was the one who made return to play decisions. When asked who the primary person responsible for determining the appropriate time for an athlete who had sustained a concussion to return to play during practice situations was, 64.8% of 1A coaches (n=11) said they were. Again, no coaches at 5A schools had this responsibility. In game settings, the trend continued. Just over 47% of 1A coaches (n=8) reported being the person primarily responsible for determining return to play on game day, while no 5A coaches acknowledged this responsibility. Table 6 displays the disparities among the various school classification levels regarding determination of return to play (see Table 6).

When presented with the bell ringer scenario, only coaches from Idaho’s largest schools (5A) were consistently recognizing it as such. Table 7 reveals these data (see Table 7).
While beneficial when it came to managing concussion, the presence of athletic trainers did little to make coaches feel more prepared to handle the duty themselves. Coaches at the 4A and 5A levels who were also more consistent in their identification and management of concussion and who had athletic trainers at their disposal, admitted to being most uncomfortable with their ability in this area. Table 8 displays these findings (see Table 8).

Across all athletic classification levels, most coaches felt a compelling need for additional educational training when it came to managing concussion in their football programs. Not only did 1A schools not have appropriate or adequate medical supervision onsite at practices and games, it was also apparent that the football coaches at Idaho’s smallest high schools were not being provided with educational programs aimed at concussion and other sports injury management when compared to coaches at Idaho’s largest schools. Only 18% of 1A coaches stated that their school had provided them with training opportunities while 63% of 5A coaches were provided with educational outreach. Table 9 shows the data (see Table 9).

### Discussion

Since this study was limited to Idaho high school football coaches, its results may not be generalized to other states, however, findings may provide a snapshot that could provoke further inquiry into coaches’ qualifications and expertise in the area of concussion identification and management. This is consistent with the findings of McCrea et al., (16) who suggested continuing education of coaches is warranted. When it comes to concussion recognition, there is little room for error. A concussion disrupts the brain’s metabolism and the only thing that appears to help it heal is rest (17,30). This study brought to light the compelling need to do more when it comes to training coaches to adequately prepare for and manage concussive injuries. The findings spotlight the need for better concussion education programs for Idaho’s secondary sport coaches, especially those who coach at small schools with limited access to an athletic trainer or other medical personnel support. The findings also highlight the need for replicable studies in other states to determine educational needs of coaches in those areas.

The findings are discussed relative to: the persons responsible for concussion identification and management—accessibility of athletic trainers, understanding of concussion, return to play decision making and willingness of coaches to refer athletes, and continuing education. Continuing education implications derived from these findings are discussed in detail, specific to evaluation of concussion signs and symptoms, cognitive stability testing, bell ringer recognition and the ongoing need for additional first aid and concussion training.

#### Persons Responsible—Accessibility of Athletic Trainers

Consistently, coaches were charged with the responsibility of initial concussion identification and management. Some coaches also acknowledged having the sole responsibility of deciding when to allow a concussed athlete to return to play. National recommendations point to the need for athletic trainers to do this job (11,16,17). Despite these recommendations, athletic trainers were accessible to coaches at only 36% of Idaho’s high schools. This was below the 2008 national average of 42% (20). The scarcity of athletic trainers in Idaho’s smallest schools was expected. The best-case scenario would be for sport administrators to require onsite athletic trainers at sport practices and games that have significant catastrophic risks such as football. This study indicated concussion was managed more consistently and effectively at schools with athletic trainers. All 5A (large schools) coaches (n=7) who responded to this survey indicated that they had an athletic trainer who worked regularly with their football teams; and all of these coaches correctly identified a scenario involving a bell ringer as concussion and said their standard practice would be to withhold that athlete from play.

#### Understanding of Concussion, Return to Play Decision-making and Willingness of Coaches to Refer Athletes

Coaches should be informed that in cases where concussion is suspected, their primary role is to ensure medical referral for the athlete (11,16). The coaches in this study were inconsistent with regard to making referrals. While most stated they would always refer athletes with a recognized concussion to an athletic trainer or physician, some said they would rather manage the injury themselves. C8 and others seemed to lack an appreciation of the catastrophic risks associated with concussive injuries. In the past, coaches have been held liable for failing to provide adequate assistance to injured athlete. In numerous court cases, including Mogabgah v. Orleans Parish School Board (19), Stineman v. Fontbonne College (26), and Searles v. Trustees of St. Joseph’s College (23), coaches have been held accountable for their failure to recognize the potential severity of a sports-related injury.

#### Continuing Education and the Evaluation of Concussion Signs and Symptoms

Although the majority of the coaches had received basic first aid and CPR training or had identified taking a formal course in sports injury prevention, this training did not imply an understanding of concussion identification and management. Many of the coaches recognized the most common signs and symptoms of concussion, but they failed to recognize many of the more subtle signs and symptoms. While loss of consciousness, headache, disorientation, and memory loss were clearly connected with concussion, more subtle effects, like sensitivity to noise, and insomnia, were not. Concussion is an “individualized, complex injury, and … no particular symptom can provide definitive guidance for every patient and clinical situation” (11, p. 6). Therefore, even though athletes may demonstrate different signs and symptoms, it is important to consider all of the options (11). Even then, symptom scores should not be considered solely reliable. As expected, the coaches in this study relied on subjective measures of concussion assessment. However, responses to such questions like, ‘Do you have a headache’ and ‘Are you dizzy’ are not consistent or reliable indices of concussive injury. This is largely because athletes may be reluctant to report their symptoms for fear of not being allowed to play or because they do not think their injury is serious enough to warrant removal from play (16). A quick clearance and return to play based on subjective responses can increase athlete susceptibility for additional injury, including SIS (1,11,28). Conservative management of even mild instances of concussion is important in athletes under the age of 18, because almost all reported cases of SIS are in young athletes (1,11).

#### Cognitive and Stability Testing

While assessing symptoms is always warranted, baseline cognitive and postural-stability testing should also be considered for athletes playing sports with a high risk of concussion. Use of such functional tests can help to identify deficits caused by concussion and help protect players from potential risks involved with returning to play too quickly (11,17). This study’s findings reflect a lack of such assessment. Evaluation of symptoms should be supplemented with detailed questioning and functional tests, both of the brain and body (10,17). Guskiewicz, Ross and Marshall (10) concluded that simple processes, including concentration, working memory, immediate memory recall, and rapid visual processing have been shown to be mildly affected by concussion. Establishing baseline measurements before the season is recommended for comparison purposes (11,17). No coaches in this study said they conducted functional testing. In fact, none were even aware of the Sideline Assessment of Concussion or the Balance Error Scoring System. Both of these functional tools can be administered at little or no cost. Furthermore, only one coach who participated in the study was aware of neurocognitive testing programs such as ImPACT, another functional concussion assessment. He said he was aware of the test because he had heard about it being used with professional players.

#### Recognition of ‘Bell Ringers’ as Concussion

Study findings revealed coaches’ misconceptions that bell ringers or dings are not concussive injuries, and as such do not necessitate removal from play. The findings also demonstrated coaches’ beliefs that the terms bell ringer and ding carry a connotation that diminishes the potential seriousness of the injury (11,16,17). Nearly half of the coaches indicated they would allow the athlete who had his bell rung to continue physical activity. This lack of initial recognition and diagnoses supports the findings of McCrea, et al., (16), and the likelihood of athletes being allowed to continue to play while being symptomatic. Not only is SIS a factor when returning to play too soon, concussions can accumulate and lead to other long-term impairments. According to King (14), lasting verbal and visuospatial impairments have been directly linked to concussion, and athletes with a history of concussion can suffer for a lifetime from emotional changes including a difficulty to control their own anger. King (14) also contended that athletes with a history of concussion can also suffer permanent decreases in libido, sleep impairments, and can have difficulty adapting to social changes. Severe depression can also linger (12).

#### Need for Additional Training

While most state high school athletic associations require first aid and CPR training, those classes typically fall short of relaying information concerning sports-related concussion. Few states require the medical training of coaches to be supplemented to include concussion management. To date only Texas, Washington, Oregon, and Connecticut have made comprehensive training on the subject a mandate. In Texas, S.B. 82, or “Will’s Bill”, was signed into law and took effect in September of 2007. Washington’s “Zackery Lystedt Law” and Oregon’s “Max’s Law” were both passed in 2009. All three laws require youth and high school sport coaches to be trained in concussion management and cognizant of SIS. Washington’s law goes one step further. It requires a licensed health care provider to oversee each concussive injury and determine the appropriate time for the athlete to return to play (34). McCrea et al., (16) demonstrated the value of concussion education. Their study examined the reasons for the purported underreporting of concussions to high school football players. McCrea et al. concluded that players, like the coaches in this study, were not fully aware of what a concussion was. However, when provided with a definition of concussion and a description of injury signs and symptoms, the players more readily recognized the injury and were more likely to admit to sustaining concussion over the course of a football season.

No coaches in this study recalled a systematic, stepwise approach for returning athletes to play. Experts contend concussed athletes should not be allowed to return to play until all of the following conditions are met: (a) there was no loss of consciousness, (b) the athlete suffers from no amnesia, (c) the athlete is asymptomatic at rest, (d) the athlete is asymptomatic following exertion, and (e) the athlete passes all functional tests (11,17,24). The coaches in this study admitted there were other influences that convinced them to return concussed athletes to play prior to the resolution of symptoms. Some, perhaps refusing to accept responsibility or more concerned with winning, de-emphasized the importance of concussion management. Micheli, Glassman, and Klein (18) suggested coaches might feel the management of injury is not their responsibility. This was clearly the case among the Idaho football coaches in this study. In fact, one coach, C29, reiterated that “trainers are here to make the decisions and deal with the injuries, NOT THE HEAD COACHES [sic].” Because of this, coaches may have felt they needed to be less prepared to identify and manage concussion.

The lack of educational opportunities related to concussion identification and management could be the reason why these coaches are unfamiliar with the topic of concussion management. The lack of educational opportunities was most evident in Idaho’s more rural (smallest school) areas. The overwhelming willingness of coaches in this study to attend professional development workshops could be one solution. Coaches who participated in this study clearly stated they would be much more comfortable managing concussion injury if they were adequately trained to do so. When professional development occurs, it is important that knowledgeable and trained professionals teach them. With new information about concussion being discovered every year, educational workshops would be warranted annually. Such educational efforts can and should be extended beyond administrators and coaches. Parents, and even the athletes themselves, can and would benefit from learning about concussion’s subtle signs and symptoms, and the consequences involved with returning to play too soon. Perhaps then, the outside influencers and pressures coaches noted would diminish.

### Conclusions

This study revealed a lack of understanding among Idaho high school football coaches relative to concussion identification and management. Coaches were especially dismissive of instances consistent with mild concussion, or bell ringers, and their catastrophic potential. Coaches purported to address concussion management with subjective approaches that relied on athletes to self-report their symptoms. They were unaware of functional assessments that objectively measured both the brain and body. Coaches acknowledged that outside pressures contribute to their decisions on when to allow concussed athletes to resume physical activity. Their lack of understanding may be attributed, in part, to the fact that there are few athletic trainers in Idaho’s secondary schools, and there are few or no educational workshops provided to coaches on concussion management.

### Applications in Sport

While this study was limited to Idaho high school football coaches, its findings may be generalized to other coaching populations. All contact sport athletes are susceptible to concussive injury. In the absence of athletic trainers or other health care professionals on the sport sideline, it is imperative that coaches be able to recognize concussive injuries and manage them according to current published guidelines.

### Figures and Tables

#### Figure 1
Identifying Concussion Incidence: Idaho High School Football
![Identifying Concussion Incidence: Idaho High School Football](/files/volume-14/2/figure-1.jpg “Identifying Concussion Incidence: Idaho High School Football”)

#### Figure 2
Determining Return to Play: Idaho High School Football
![Identifying Concussion Incidence: Idaho High School Football](/files/volume-14/2/figure-2.jpg “Identifying Concussion Incidence: Idaho High School Football”)

#### Table 1. Thematic Constructs
Examples of Raw Data Themes and Subsequent Subthemes and Major Themes

Raw Data Theme Subtheme Theme
Glassy eyes.
Dilated pupils.
Physical Signs & Symptoms Recognition
Whether he’s not all together there.
How cognizant they are of where they’re at.
Mental Status
Whether he’s wobbly. Kinesthetic Awareness
It depends on the kid!
Every player experiences at least one of the symptoms.
I look at the severity of the hit.
Mechanism of Injury & other variables
I get him to a trainer.
We have doctors on our sideline.
Referrals Evaluation
I asked them questions, look in the eyes.
We observe him for awhile.
We just keep him out.
We watch them very carefully.
Watch and Wait
We don’t decide. That’s decided by the team doctor and the trainer.
They have to have a doctor’s release.
It’s gotta be a parent.
We let him sit for awhile.
Usually you go about a week and a half.
We sit them out a week.
Time Away
I think we can go too overboard on it.
We can get to the point where we side on the side of over-caution – to the point where it can get a little ridiculous.
It’s No Big Deal
We want to keep our best players in the game.
A kid that wanted to play in the playoffs.
If the parents say it’s okay, then that at least releases the coach of that (responsibility).
He’s a young kid; He’s not a senior.
Pressure to Win (Play) Influencers
I would put the safety above putting him in the game.
It’s too dangerous.
The kid’s health is more important than any game that we play.
Safety Comes First
We need an athletic trainer.
We probably could have more – at least EMT types around for practice.
Resources Needs
I would love the opportunity to learn more.
You have to know what’s happening with your players, especially when concussion is involved.
Helmet issues are going to be real paramount.
The teaching of how to tackle is very important.
Equipment & Instruction

### References

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### Corresponding Author

Caroline E. Faure, EdD
Assistant Professor of Sport Science and PE
Idaho State University
STOP 8105
Pocatello, ID 83209
208 282-4085

### Author Biographies

#### Caroline Faure, Ed.D., ATC

Caroline Faure, Ed.D., ATC is an Assistant Professor of Sport Science and Physical Education at Idaho State University, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in sports medicine and sports law. Dr. Faure earned the prestigious Kole-McGuffey Award at Idaho State University for her research on concussion management in secondary schools.

#### Cynthia Lee A. Pemberton, Ed.D

Cynthia Lee A. Pemberton, Ed.D. serves as the Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Education/Graduate Faculty at Idaho State University. Dr. Pemberton has published and presented locally, regionally, nationally and internationally on Title IX and gender equity in school sport. Her book, More Than a Game: One Woman’s Fight for Gender Equity in Sport, addresses Title IX from both personal and professional perspectives, through a lived experience pursuing gender equity in sport at a small liberal arts college in Oregon. The book received the Phi Kappa Phi Bookshelf Award in October 2002, and has been positively reviewed in a number of publications (Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, Booklist and Choice).

2016-04-01T09:17:20-05:00January 12th, 2011|Contemporary Sports Issues, Sports Coaching, Sports Exercise Science, Sports Management, Sports Studies and Sports Psychology|Comments Off on An Examination of Idaho High School Football Coaches’ General Understanding of Concussion

Experimental and Numerical Study of the Flow Past the Olympic Class K-1 Flat Water Racing Kayak at Steady Speed

### Abstract

The present work is concerned with the study of the hydrodynamic performance of an Olympic class “K-1” flat water racing Kayak. The evaluation of the hydrodynamic resistance of the vessel is of major importance since it is directly related to the human power required to sustain a specific speed. In this respect, experiments in calm water and regular waves were conducted at various speeds past the particular boat at the towing tank of the Laboratory for Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (LSMH) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). The calm water tests were performed in the range of speeds from 0.25 to 5m/s and useful conclusions were drawn concerning the influence of the wave formation on the non-dimensional resistance coefficients. Experiments in regular waves were carried out for two characteristic speeds and showed an increase of the hydrodynamic resistance of about 11%. Furthermore, systematic numerical tests using advanced computer codes developed at LSMHE have been performed in order to investigate whether Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tools can be applied with confidence for predicting the calm water resistance of similar vessels. The scope of this part of the investigation is related to a rapid and cost-effective optimization of the shape of the boat. The computed results for the total resistance were in satisfactory agreement with the measurements, thus forming a basis for further investigation and deeper understanding of the athlete-boat interaction, especially for high performance and competition boats.

Under this study, every coach may form the way his athlete paddles, taking into consideration the hydrodynamic resistance during a canoe – kayak race with or without head waves. Additionally, this investigation is important for the canoe – kayak boat manufacturers since they can improve the boat shapes using existing CFD tools and taking into account the resistance increase due to waves.

**Key words:** racing-kayak, resistance, experiments, potential, RANS

### Introduction

The scope of the present work is to investigate the hydrodynamic behavior of an Olympic class K-1 Flat Water Racing Kayak boat at steady forward speed. In a first approximation, the complicated roll and yaw motion of the boat caused by the rower is simplified by regarding only the forward component including free heave and trim. The athlete is in any case replaced by a constant weight about his/her mean centre of gravity. The study includes both experimental and numerical tests. Basically, the aim of the experimental program was to measure the total resistance of the Kayak, covering a speed range of 0.25 to 5.15 m/s, at the towing tank of the Laboratory for Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (LSMH) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). The tests took place during the last week of January 2009. First, experiments were carried out in calm water at various speeds. Similar tests have also been performed by towing tanks past other types of vessels, e.g. (3). Next, the particular boat was tested at two characteristic speeds in low regular waves which were produced by the wave generator of the tank. These tests were made in order to assess the increase of the hydrodynamic resistance and the corresponding power which is required to sustain the particular speeds.

On the other hand, the dramatic development of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) provides a valuable alternative for evaluating the hydrodynamic behavior of floating bodies. Many research groups have developed advanced computer codes which numerically solve the flow field around complicated geometries. So far, most of the applications are concerned with flows about ships and try to overcome the problem of extrapolating the towing tank measurements to full scale. However, this is not the case in the particular study because the real vessel is tested in the towing tank and, therefore, the experiments predict accurately its hydrodynamic behavior. The main reason for performing CFD tests is to evaluate the codes that have been developed at the LSMH in order to use them in a future optimization procedure regarding the shape of the boat. The application of reliable CFD tools requires substantially less cost than constructing various models and testing them in a towing tank, since the most favorable shapes can be detected numerically and then a limited number of experiments has to be carried out. In the present investigation two methods have been examined to calculate the boat resistance at steady forward speed; a non-linear potential flow solver as well as a Reynold’s Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solver. Both of them are applied for the first time past the Kayak boat and useful conclusions are drawn.

### Methods

#### Experimental Procedures

All the experiments were performed in the towing tank of the LMSH. The dimensions of the towing tank are 91 m (effective length), 4.56 m (width), and 3.00 m (depth). The towing tank is equipped with a running carriage that can achieve a maximum speed of 5.2 m/s. The tank is also equipped with a wave generating paddle (wave maker), located at one end of the flume. At the opposite end there is a properly shaped inclined shore, for the absorption of the waves. The wave making facilities can produce both harmonic and pseudorandom waves, in the frequency range from 0.3 to 1.4 Hz. The corresponding significant wave height can reach the level of 25 cm.

The hull provided by Pan-Hellenic Kayak and Canoe Trainers Association (PA.SY.P.K-C) was an Olympic class flat water racing Kayak, K-1 category, which refers to a single-seat boat, having the athlete paddling in a seated position. The weight category of the boat is M (medium), corresponding to an athlete’s weight in the range of 70 to 80 kg.

Minor alterations on the internal structure of the model were applied prior to the measurements, in order to accommodate the measuring equipment. This work was supervised by the personnel of PA.SY.P.K-C.

Both experimental and numerical tests were carried out with the boat having a displacement of Δ=86.8 kg (condition A). This is the sum of the bare hull weight with the added fixtures (11.8 kg) and the mean athlete’s weight, the last taken as 75 kg for the present study. The longitudinal position of the center of gravity (LCG) was chosen at the middle of the athlete’s seat. For the experiments, the rod of the resistance dynamometer was mounted on the hull at this location. The mounting was done using a heave rod – pitch bearing assembly, which allows for the vertical motions and trim angles (heave and pitch responses) of the boat.

The resistance measurements were performed for speeds in the range from 0.25 to 5.15 m/s, for the case of calm water and for two speeds (2.5 and 5.0 m/s) for the case of harmonic waves, (5). All the tests were performed in fresh water, at a temperature of 15 oC.

The boat resistance, the rise of the center of gravity (c.g.), the dynamic trim and the towing speed of the model were recorded during the runs on calm water. In this investigation, trim is defined as the signed rotation about the transverse axis passing through the c.g. and is considered positive when the bow of the kayak sinks. In addition, for the case of harmonic waves, the wave elevation was measured using wave probes.

#### Data Analysis

In order to investigate whether CFD tools can be applied with confidence to predict the calm water resistance of similar vessels under the scope of hull optimization, systematic numerical tests were carried out by applying the non-linear potential flow solver (7,8), as well as the RANS solver (6,8), both developed at LSMH.

The potential method is based on constant source quadrilateral panels that cover the wetted surface of the boat and the real free-surface (Figure 1). The latter is found by an iterative procedure which, after convergence, leads to the satisfaction of both the well known free surface conditions: the kinematic and the dynamic. The potential flow predicts the wave making component CW, whereas the total resistance coefficient CT is calculated by adding the corresponding 1957 International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC’57) value for the skin friction coefficient CF.

![Quadrilateral panels on the hull and water surface for the potential calculations.](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-1.jpg “Quadrilateral panels on the hull and water surface for the potential calculations.”)
**Figure 1** Quadrilateral panels on the hull and water surface for the potential calculations.

Naturally, this procedure suffers from the potential flow drawbacks, i.e. the predicted wave pattern near and after the stern does not include any viscous effects. Besides, the so called form-resistance component including the skin friction alteration due to the shape of the hull and the viscous pressure component cannot be taken into account. These shortcomings disappear when the RANS equations are solved numerically. The latter, however, requires substantially higher computing power and time since a three-dimensional grid discretisation is required, Figure 2.

The employed method uses an H-O type numerical grid which is adjusted to the free-surface as the solution proceeds (6). To account for turbulence effects, the well known k-ε model with wall functions (2) is adopted.

![Numerical H-O type grid for the RANS calculations.](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-2.jpg “Numerical H-O type grid for the RANS calculations.”)
**Figure 2** Numerical H-O type grid for the RANS calculations.

### Results

#### Calm water experiments

Calm water resistance tests were done for the speed range of 0.25 to 5.15 m/s. The experimental results concerning the calm water resistance, the CG rise, the dynamic trim and the towing speed of the kayak are presented in Table 1. The corresponding graphs for the resistance, dynamic trim and CG rise are presented in Figs. 3 to 5, respectively.

As observed in Fig. 4, the dynamic trim is negligible in the range of speeds 0-2.5 m/s while it increases rapidly after it, resulting in an increase of the draft at the stern and a raise of the bow. The CG –rise, Fig. 5, is always negative resulting in an increase of the mean vessel’s draft which presents a peak about the speed of 3.5 m/s. This behavior could be associated with the dynamic trim change and shows that the behavior of the boat is very sensitive with respect to the speed.

![Total Resistance](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-3.gif “Total Resistance”)
**Figure 3** Total Resistance

![Dynamic Trim](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-4.gif “Dynamic Trim”)
**Figure 4** Dynamic Trim

![C.G. Rise](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-5.gif “C.G. Rise”)
**Figure 5** C.G. Rise

In order to study the usual Froude decomposition of the total resistance coefficient versus speed, the relation between the total resistance coefficient (CT) and the Froude number (Fn) is, firstly, depicted in Figure 6. These parameters are defined by the following relations:

![Formula 1](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/formula-1.gif)

![Formula 2](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/formula-2.gif)

where VS stands for the speed, g is the gravitational acceleration, L the waterline length, RT the total resistance, ρ the water density and WS the wetted surface.

In the calculation of the total resistance coefficient, the wetted surface used was the one calculated by means of the potential method. The variation total resistance coefficient vs. Fn, presented in Fig.6, shows that it is influenced strongly by the wave formation. The main hump is located in the region of Fn 0.4÷0.45, i.e. it is moved to the left with respect to the predicted one by the linear wave theory (about 0.5) (4). However, the prismatic hump is missing while a “hollow” appears about Fn=0.3 which is moved to the right with respect to the predicted one by the linear wave theory (about 0.24), while the higher values at the low Fn show a dominant effect of skin friction.

![Total resistance coefficient.](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-6.gif “Total resistance coefficient.”)
**Figure 6** Total resistance coefficient.

According to the standard Froude approach, the total resistance coefficient can be decomposed into the friction (CF) and the residual (CR) components as:

![Formula 3](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/formula-3.gif)

The friction coefficient (CF) can be calculated by the ITTC’57 formula as:

![Formula 4](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/formula-4.gif)


![Formula 5](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/formula-5.gif)

represents the corresponding Reynolds number, L is the immersed waterline length and ν the kinematic viscosity.

Furthermore, the residual resistance may be regarded as equal to the so-called wave-making resistance CW, i.e. CR ≈ CW. The three coefficients with respect to the Froude number are presented in Table 2. The negative or very low values of CR at the lower Froude numbers show that the skin friction formula rather over-predicts CF and, therefore, an extended laminar region may cover the front part of the vessel. It should be noted here that no turbulence stimulators were applied since the real hull was tested. The slender form of this hull should result in a thin boundary layer region over the major part of the wetted surface, thus permitting the existence of a laminar zone especially at low speeds, which in any case is favorable because it leads to a reduction of the total resistance.

The residual resistance coefficient, plotted vs. Fn in Fig. 7, shows similar trends with Fig. 6 and influences accordingly the total coefficient. CR is comparable to CF after Fn=0.3, but in any case is lower than that, implying that skin friction plays an important role for the total resistance. This trend is due to the very slender form of the particular boat which was designed to produce low waves, as far as possible.

![Wave, Pressure and Residual resistance coefficients.](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-7.gif “Wave, Pressure and Residual resistance coefficients.”)
**Figure 7** Wave, Pressure and Residual resistance coefficients.

#### Potential results

In order to validate the use of the non-linear potential solver (7) for the examined type of vessel, systematic numerical tests were conducted for the same speed range as the experiments.

The solver has been developed at the LSMH and solves the wave problem by covering the hull and the free-surface with quadrilateral panels. The hull geometry is represented by the conformal mapping approach which exhibits the advantage of a fast and effective reconstruction of panels as the free-surface changes. A special feature of the code is the calculation of the free-surface by combining an integral with a differential method. The total number of panels used was 12,000 while the trim angle as well as the dynamic rise of the c.g., were calculated numerically. The potential results of the examined cases are shown in Table 3. Essentially the method predicts only the wave resistance component CW, while CF is derived under the ITTC’57 skin friction approximation. The predicted CW is compared to the measured one in Fig. 7. Evidently it exhibits the same variations, but it is lower than the experimental in the whole range of Fn. This is an expected behavior according to the aforementioned shortcomings. The potential theory predicts higher waves at the stern region, resulting in increased pressures underneath the stern that in turn lead to a reduction of the total wave resistance. However, the total resistance coefficient appears closer to the experimental in Fig. 6 where the skin friction was added. This is reflected also to the calculation of the total resistance (which is the meaningful quantity) in Fig. 3, where the calculated results are in satisfactory agreement with the measurements up to the speed of 3.5 m/s (~7%) while deviations increase at higher speeds.

#### RANS results

In order to explore the possibility of obtaining better results at high speeds with RANS computations, three test cases were examined, corresponding to the speeds of 3, 4 and 5m/s. The relevant code has also been developed at the LSMH and, unlike other methods, uses the concept of orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinates to solve the viscous flow equations. This feature is beneficial for obtaining effectively converged solutions. The free-surface is calculated iteratively by applying a surface-tracking method that has been developed for the first time in (6).

In any case the grid size had 2.65 million grid points. To reduce the computation cost as well as the uncertainties related with the longitudinal position of the center of gravity, the trim angle of the vessel was taken from the experiments while it was assumed free to heave. The results acquired via the RANS solver are shown in Table 4. First, it is important to notice that the calculated skin friction coefficient CF is in very good agreement with the empirical ITTC’57 formula in Table 2, which justifies the relevant assumption when the potential method is adopted. The calculated values of the total resistance coefficients are presented in Table 4. Evidently, the total resistance is predicted with satisfactory agreement with respect to the experimental values for the examined speeds. The larger deviation at the highest speed may be a result of the extended wave breaking which was observed during the experiments in this case, which cannot be simulated numerically. The deviations percent of the calculated vs. the experimental total resistance is depicted in Table 5 for both methods, where the superiority of the RANS approach is obvious at high speeds.

The calculated wave patterns about the boat by the RANS computations are plotted in Figs. 8 to 10 for the speeds of 3.0 m/s, 4.0 m/s and 5.0 m/s, respectively. The full lines represent wave crests while the dashed lines correspond to wave troughs. These plots show a regular formation which is similar to the real one observed during the experiments.

![Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS =2.995 m/s.](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-8.jpg “Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS =2.995 m/s.”)
**Figure 8** Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS =2.995 m/s.

(Full lines: wave crests, dashed lines: wave troughs)

![Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS =3.989 m/s.](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-9.jpg “Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS =3.989 m/s.”)
**Figure 9** Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS =3.989 m/s.

(Full lines: wave crests, dashed lines: wave troughs)

![Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS=5.153 m/s.](/files/volume-13-number-4/1/figure-10.jpg “Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS=5.153 m/s.”)
**Figure 10** Water surface elevation contour, RANS solver, VS=5.153 m/s.

(Full lines: wave crests, dashed lines: wave troughs)

#### Experimental tests in regular waves

The tests in regular waves were done at the speed of 2.5 m/s for wave frequencies of 0.3 Hz, 0.5 Hz, 0.7 Hz, and 0.9 Hz and at the speed of 5.0 m/s for wave frequencies of 0.3 Hz and 0.5 Hz (5).

During the tests, the following responses were measured:

– C.G. rise
– Pitch
– Added resistance
– Wave Height

The experimental results for these tests are presented in Table 6. Based on the recorded time histories of the boat responses, the Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) in heave (at the CG position) and in pitch motion were calculated and presented also in this Table, together with the measured values of wave amplitude and mean added resistance.

The non-dimensional RAO values were calculated using the following formulae:

– RAOHEAVE = ξ0 / ζ0
– RAOPITCH = θ / (k ξ0)


– ξ0 : heave response amplitude
– ζ0 : wave amplitude
– θ : pitch amplitude [rad]
– k : wave number (k=2π/λ)
– λ : wave length

The most important result is the resistance increase presented in the last column of Table 6. It can be concluded that the added resistance is negligible for wave lengths much larger than the boat length (low frequency range, examined frequency 0.3 Hz) and can reach values from 7 to 12% for faster waves (examined frequencies 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 Hz) and for both wave heights. This resistance increase reflects directly on the power required by the athlete.

### Discussion

The measured total resistance coefficient shows a minimum about the vessel speed of 1.5m/s and a maximum at 3.0 m/s. These values appear as a result of the interactions of the generated wave systems about the boat. In addition, the Froude decomposition of the total resistance coefficient demonstrates that skin friction is higher than the residuary component at all speeds, while at low speeds the appearance of laminar flow regions about the bow is rather possible. Wave breaking was also observed at speeds above 3.5 m/s.

The performance of the boat subjected to low amplitude heading harmonic waves was also investigated. The main conclusion is that short waves (high frequencies) may increase the boat resistance and, therefore, the required human power by almost 10%.

The applications of the employed CFD approaches have shown that the computation of the total resistance by applying a non-linear potential flow code in conjunction with the ITTC’57 skin friction formula is in good agreement with the measured one for speeds up to 3.5 m/s. Above this level, viscous effects are dominant and RANS methods have to be employed to obtain accurate results. However, in the usual range of speeds of the particular vessel, the potential approach may produce reliable results and, therefore, can be involved in optimization procedures concerning the hull geometry.

The current investigation has been based on the fruitful collaboration of three research groups, i.e. the Laboratory for Ship and Marine hydrodynamics of NTUA, the Pan-Hellenic Canoe – Kayak Trainers Association, and the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of the University of Athens. The groups combined their efforts for the first time, and the data acquired can form a basis for further investigation and deeper understanding of the athlete-boat interaction, especially for high performance and high competitive boats, like the case at hand. The research will be continued toward the hull optimization of the boat as well as the experimental study of the effect of the yaw and roll motions by designing the proper experimental apparatus. The numerical tools will be further developed to simulate these motions as well as to take into account the unsteady influence of waves.

### Conclusions

The systematic numerical experiments have shown that both potential and RANS methods can be applied in order to calculate the calm water resistance of a flat water racing kayak. The potential solver provided results in good qualitative agreement with the experiments and, therefore, can be involved in optimization procedures concerning the hull geometry. The RANS solver gave very accurate predictions for the total resistance and therefore can be used with confidence for predicting the resistance of vessels of similar geometry.

### Applications in Sport

In the last several years we have seen a tremendous rise in new technologies (construction materials, e.g. carbon fiber) (1) which in their way affect the increasing improvement of results in canoe – kayak. The main factor for the accomplishment of better times in canoeing is the hydrodynamic resistance of the boat’s hull. With this study, every coach may develop the way his athlete paddles, taking into consideration the hydrodynamic resistance which is observed depending on the waves appearing during a canoe – kayak race.

Additionally, this study is very important for the canoe – kayak boat manufacturers, since they can achieve the making of more improved boat hulls, taking into account the hydrodynamic resistance appearing under different types of waves.

### Acknowledgments

The authors wish to thank the personnel of LSMH and particularly Mr. I. Trachanas who has carried out the measurements in the Towing Tank as well as Mr. D. Triperinas, Ms. D. Damala and Mr. G Katsaounis for designing the experiments and interpreting the results.

The authors would also like to thank Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust (LRET), since Mr. Polyzos’ Phd studies are supported by LRET.

The Lloyd’s Register Educational Trust (LRET) is an independent charity working to achieve advances in transportation, science, engineering and technology education, training and research worldwide for the benefit of all.

### Tables

#### Table 1
Experimental results for the calm water resistance tests, condition: Δ=86.8 Κp.

Speed Froude Number Total Resistance (Rr) Dynamic Trim (+) by bow, (-) by stern C.G. Rise
m/s Kp deg em
0.244 0.035 0.011 -0.029 -0.063
0.499 0.071 0.078 -0.025 -0.163
1.003 0.142 0.311 -0.007 -0.027
1.502 0.213 0.669 0.007 -0.122
2.005 0.284 1.179 0.002 -0.317
2.500 0.354 1.896 -0.043 -0.629
2.995 0.425 2.854 -0.361 -1.163
3.493 0.495 3.963 -0.628 -1.362
3.989 0.565 5.085 -0.799 -1.195
4.494 0.637 6.318 -0.866 -0.846
5.153 0.730 7.902 -0.947 -0.602

#### Table 2
Experimental results for the calm water resistance tests.

Speed Froude Number Total Resistance (Rr) Total Resistance Coefficient (CF) Frictional Resistance Coefficient (CT) Residual Resistance Coefficient
m/s Nt (ITTC’57) (CR)
0.244 0.035 0.105 2.226E-03 4.606>-03 -2.380E-03
0.499 0.071 0.761 3.889E-03 3.971E-03 -8.194E-05
1.003 0.142 3.054 3.827E-03 3.470E-03 3.568E-04
1.502 0.213 6.556 3.644E-03 3.222E-03 4.216E-04
2.005 0.284 11.558 3.561E-03 3.061E-03 4.997E-04
2.500 0.354 18.588 3.651E-03 2.946E-03 7.050E-04
2.995 0.425 27.988 3.776E-03 2.856E-03 9.200E-04
3.493 0.495 38.862 3.872E-03 2.783E-03 1.089E-03
3.989 0.565 49.867 3.815E-03 2.722E-03 1.093E-03
4.494 0.637 61.952 3.710E-03 2.670E-03 1.040E-03
5.153 0.730 77.487 3.488E-03 2.611E-03 8.770E-04

#### Table 3
Numerical results for the calm water resistance tests, potential method.

Speed Froude Number Dynamic Trim (+) by bow, (-) by stern C.G. Rise Wave Resistance Coefficient (CW) Frictional Resistance Coefficient (CF) (ITTC’57) Total Resistance Coefficient (CT) Total Resistance (RT)
m/s deg cm Nt
0.244 0.035 -0.001 0.036 3.743E-04 4.606E-03 4.980E-03 0.235
0.499 0.071 0.001 0.022 1.305E-04 3.971E-03 4.102E-03 0.802
1.003 0.142 0.008 -0.008 6.468E-05 3.470E-03 3.535E-03 2.921
1.502 0.213 0.014 -0.112 1.079E-04 3.222E-03 3.330E-03 5.991
2.005 0.284 -0.032 -0.285 4.473E-04 3.061E-03 3.508E-03 11.388
2.500 0.354 -0.072 -0.462 4.288E-04 2.946E-03 3.375E-03 17.182
2.995 0.425 -0.352 -0.808 8.456E-04 2.856E-03 3.702E-03 27.437
3.493 0.495 -0.528 -0.761 8.367E-04 2.783E-03 3.620E-03 36.330
3.989 0.565 -0.665 -0.739 7.948E-04 2.722E-03 3.517E-03 45.974
4.494 0.637 -0.709 -0.626 6.733E-04 2.670E-03 3.343E-03 55.825
5.153 0.730 -0.828 -0.597 5.797E-04 2.611E-03 3.190E-03 70.881

#### Table 4
Numerical results for the calm water resistance tests, RANS method.

Speed Froude Number Pressure Resistance Coefficient (CP) Frictional Resistance Roefficient (CF) Total Resistance Coefficient (CT) Total Resistance (RT)
m/s Nt
2.995 0.425 9.001E-04 2.852E-03 3.752E-03 28.118
3.989 0.565 1.076E-03 2.717E-03 3.792E-03 50.266
5.153 0.730 7.825E-04 2.594E-03 3.376E-03 75.084

#### Table 5
Experimental results for the calm water resistance tests.

Speed Froude Number Deviation in Total Resistance δRT (%)
m/s Potential RANS
0.244 0.035 -123.76
0.499 0.071 -5.46
1.003 0.142 7.63
1.502 0.213 8.61
2.005 0.284 1.47
2.500 0.354 7.56
2.995 0.425 1.97 -0.46
3.493 0.495 6.52
3.989 0.565 7.81 -0.80
4.494 0.637 9.89
5.153 0.730 8.52 3.10

#### Table 6
Experimental results for the tests in regular waves.

Speed Wave Frequency Wave Amplitude RAO Heave RAO Pitch Added Resistance Resistance Increase
m/s Hz cm Kp %
2.5 0.3 5.9 0.936 1.111 0.016 0.8
2.5 0.5 5.3 0.565 0.598 0.157 8.3
2.5 0.7 5.3 0.139 0.053 0.132 7.0
2.5 0.9 4.8 0.042 0.018 0.221 11.7
5.0 0.3 5.8 1.045 1.164 0.139 1.9
5.0 0.5 5.2 1.000 0.780 0.873 11.6

### References

Diafas, V. (2007). The sport of Canoe-Kayak and its Olympic categories: vol.1Flatwater Canoe-Kayak, University of Athens

Launder, B. E., Spalding, D. B. (1974). The numerical computation of turbulent flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 3, 269-289.

Lazauskas, L., Winters, J., Tuck, E. O. (1997) Hydrodynamic Drag of Small Sea Kayaks. Retrieved from <>

Newman, J. N. (1997). Marine Hydrodynamics. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London England: The MIT press, ISBN 0-262-14026-8.

Triperinas, D. V., Damala, D., Katsaounis, G. (2009) Report No. NAL 303 F 2009, Laboratory for Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, NTUA.

Tzabiras, G. D. (2004). Resistance and Self-propulsion simulations for a Series-60, CB=0.6 hull at model and full scale. Ship Technology Research, 51, 21-34.

Tzabiras, G. D. (2008). A method for predicting the influence of an additive bulb on ship resistance. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, 53-60.

Tzabiras, G. D., Kontogiannis, K. (2010). An integrated method for predicting the hydrodynamic resistance of low-Cb ships. Computer-Aided Design Journal, Accepted for publication.

### Corresponding Author
Mr. Stylianos Polyzos
Laboratory for Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics
9 Heroon Polytechniou str. NTUA Campus, Zografos 15773, Greece

### Author Bios

George Tzabiras is a Professor and Head of the Laboratory for Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

Stylianos Polyzos and Konstantina Sfakianaki are Phd Candidates at the Laboratory for Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics.

Athanasios D. Villiotis and Konstantinos Chrisikopoulos are members of the Pan-Hellenic Canoe – Kayak Trainers Association

Vassilios Diafas and Sokratis Kaloupsis are Professors at the University of Athens, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Faculty of water sports

2015-11-08T07:40:30-06:00October 4th, 2010|Contemporary Sports Issues, Sports Management|Comments Off on Experimental and Numerical Study of the Flow Past the Olympic Class K-1 Flat Water Racing Kayak at Steady Speed

Preparation for an International Sport Event: The Promotional Strategies of 2009 Kaohsiung World Games

### Abstract
This investigation presented administrative and marketing-related information on Kaohsiung City’s preparation for the 2009 World Games. The presented information was allocated through an extensive literature review on secondary sources, personal interviews, and observations from fall of 2008 to summer of 2009. Promotional strategies and activities, projected financial and sales data, reports on constructions, and issues and challenges related to the Games were further analyzed. The study further discussed the “not-for-profit” approach that was practiced by many East Asian Countries to gain international recognition and promote patriotism while hosting a major sport event.

### Introduction
The International World Games Association (IWGA), which currently includes 33 international sports federations, has been holding its competitions every four years since 1981 (24). The World Games is considered one of the largest sport competitions, other than the Olympic Games (7). The City of Kaohsiung was fortunate to be awarded the opportunity to host the World Games after a competitive bidding process (11,25). The 2009 World Games were held in the largest port city of Taiwan, Kaohsiung, from July 16 to July 26, 2009. Past literature has shown that hosting a gigantic international sport competition has provided a golden opportunity for the hosting country to demonstrate power and wealth, to boost economics and tourism, to increase publicity and media exposure, and to improve the hosting cities’ infrastructure (10,12-14,33). In addition, an enormous amount of national pride is often associated with the host countries when they host mega-events such as the Olympic Games or Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup (1,14,29,39). For the aforementioned reasons, the administrators and citizens of Kaohsiung City sincerely hoped that the city could realize economic benefits from the 2009 World Games.

The Mayor and citizens of Kaohsiung City believed the 2009 World Games was a main event that would launch Kaohsiung to the center of the world stage (21). According to Tsai’s comments on the city government’s approach (37), the World Games was a perfect opportunity for the Kaohsiung residents to reaffirm their identity and loyalty toward the city. The potential economic profits and benefits brought by the events could also help the central government reevaluate the importance and development of the city. With the support of Kaohsiung citizens and volunteers, the Kaohsiung Games was described as the most successful World Games by the IWGA President, Ron Froehlich (16,18). In this investigation, the researchers went beyond the scope of a case study by presenting administrative and marketing-related information on how Kaohsiung City prepared for its first-ever major international sport event. The collected information and analyzed results may serve two specific purposes. First, the collected information can be valuable for the city to plan its bidding proposal for 2012 University Games. Second, the information may also provide great insights for other Taiwanese cities in preparing for any future international major sport events (i.e., the 2009 Deaflympic Games in Taipei and bidding for the 2010 World University Games).

#### Background History and Facts about the World Games
When the IWGA was formed in 1980, it had 12 international sport federations as charter members (7). The 2009 Kaohsiung World Games was the IWGA’s 8th competition and included 31 different sports. Since 1981, the number of participants in the World Games has increased from approximately 1500 to approximately 3400 in 2005 (7,24). Prior to the 2009 Kaohsiung World Games, it was estimated that the city would host more than 4,500 athletes, coaches, and staff. Athletes competed in 31 different sports which were divided into six categories, artistic and dance, ball sports, martial arts, precision sports, strength sports, and trend sports (24). In general, the seven previous World Games were all financed through a virtual company or foundation established by the government of the hosting countries (35). The hosting city was also responsible for covering the lodging, transportation, and dinner costs for all of the participants (34).

Building the venues for competitions was considered the most difficult challenge in preparing for the World Games. Kaohsiung City started two major constructions as early as 2004 (9). The Main Stadium of the Kaohsiung World Games was designed by the famous Japanese architect, Toyo Ito. It has a capacity of 40,000 seats and 15,000 standing spaces (9). The total construction cost of the stadium was estimated around $150-million USDs (31). The construction of the Kaohsiung Arena costs about $20-million USDs. The central government supported about 10% of the total construction cost (7). The arena has a 16,000-person seating capacity. The DC Construction company holds the right of business operation for the next 50 years. The Kaohsiung City Government will retain the operational right thereafter. For the infrastructural preparation, the Kaohsiung City planned to complete two tracks of the Metro Rapid Transit System (MRTS), both Red and Orange Lines, in 2009 prior to the opening ceremony of the World Games (11). Apparently, both systems were completed on time.

#### Preparations Completed by the National and Local Government
As soon as Kaohsiung City was awarded the opportunity to host the 2009 World Games, the former Mayor Hsieh Chang-ting announced three programs to transform Kaohsiung into a “City of Health” (25). It was Mr. Hsieh’s most lofty ambition to utilize the World Games to further develop the city and promote its competitiveness by becoming the largest trading seaport in Southeast Asia.

The information on organization of the Kaohsiung Organizing Committee (KOC) was obtained through personal conversation with Ms. Hus, the CEO of KOC. KOC was commissioned by the Kaohsiung City Government to plan and organize the 2009 World Games. In order to complete the required tasks for the game operation, the KOC formed nine divisions to handle the businesses. They were: (1) Administration, (2) Treasury, (3) Sport Competition, (4) City Development, (5) Supportive Division, (6) Marketing and Public Relations, (7) Culture and Tourism, (8) Information Technology, and (9) Safety (27). There were 26 full-time employees in the KOC. The leadership positions of the KOC include a President, a Sport Director, three Deputy CEOs, an Assistant Coordinator, two Executive Secretaries and a Chair of Divisions. In addition, the Kaohsiung City Government further assigned 43 people (including the CEO) and 14 non-committee staff members to support the KOC. Several visiting teams were also sent to Beijing to observe the practices of the Chinese Government in preparing for the 2008 Olympic Games (22).

#### Economic Benefits and Profits for Hosting Major International Sport Events
Past literature has documented how host cities of major sport events (i.e., Super Bowl, National Basketball Association (NBA) All-Stars Games, and Olympic Games) reaped direct and indirect profits from gate receipts, tourism, and television (TV) fees. To name a few examples: (1) visitors of the 2006 Super Bowl spent as much as $180 million during their trips and the total economic impact of the event was estimated to exceed $300 million (32); (2) the 2007 NBA All-Stars Game drew more than 25,000 out-of-town visitors, generating non-gaming revenue of $26.7 million (32); and (3) $400 million in TV rights and $200 million sponsorship fees were at stake in the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Games (4). The National Broadcast Company paid broadcasting rights fees of $793 million and $894 million for the 2004 and 2008 Summer Olympic Games (14). The Chinese government announced its operating profit for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games at $146 million(5).

To the contrary, there were reports and studies that rejected the notion of international sport events, such as the Olympic Games, generating any profit at all. It is extremely difficult to calculate the financial merits of any particular Olympic Games, due to expensive construction and many, varying costs(15). It is estimated that costs for hosting the 2012 event could run more than $3 billion USDs. Sydney and Athens spent $3.4 billion and13 billion, respectively, on the Summer Games. With these huge costs, it is hard to perceive how profits can be made(15). In fact, host countries did not make money at all prior to the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games (3,4). The Los Angeles Games were able to turn the Olympics into a gold mine, netting $200 million, by introducing aggressive commercializing strategies and minimizing the construction costs (3). Cities such as Barcelona, Athens, Beijing and London would spend far more money than the U.S. host cities to build new facilities and develop their community, so the profits severely dwindle (2). Local residents seldom benefit from the profits. According to Sports economist Philip Porter, who studies the effect of large sporting events on communities, it’s not unusual for cities to make less than has been projected (4).

Most economists agree that economic impact of major sport events are often calculated from three areas (5). They are direct financial impacts, indirect financial impacts and intangible. Although most of the host cities may not prosper from the profit gains, cities such as Lillehammer, Norway, and Nagano, Japan have enjoyed worldwide attention by hosting the winter Olympics. Mayors of hosting cities clearly understand that the spectacle will promote national pride and justify local development (15). Burton and O’Reilly (5) warned against focusing solely on cost and profits as the criteria for evaluating the impact of the events. They want people to consider the intangible benefits of the Atlanta Games. Although the Atlanta Games only broke even financially, Atlanta has subsequently become a bigger, better, and more respected global city.

The Kaohsiung City Government is standing on a crossroads facing an uncertain future. Based on the aforementioned paragraphs, the city has clearly spent a huge amount of money to prepare for the World Games, and anticipates huge economic profits and intangible benefits. Will the city’s investment turn out to be a prosperous return? The researchers sincerely hope the results of this study will provide preliminary findings to this difficult question.

### Methods
The information on construction costs and spending on community development was gathered through a series of reviews of secondary sources and online articles prior to March of 2009. The findings related to this topic have mainly been presented in the Introduction. In order to obtain the marketing related information, promotional strategies, and projected financial data of the 2009 World Games, the researchers conducted interviews with the Chief Executive Officer, Marketing Director of the KOC, and two city councilmen. Seven specific questions given to the interviewees to obtain qualitative and statistical information are listed in Table 1.

The interviewees received the questions at the beginning of 2009. The researchers received all of the interviewees’ responses in early March of 2009. Answers were received via e-mail and phone calls. Information on stadium construction and promotional strategies released by the city government and press from 2005 to 2008 was extensively reviewed and analyzed in the month of February, 2009. The researchers categorized the collected information into two aspects: (1) public relations and promotional activities associated with the game, and (2) sales and other marketing related data.

### Results
Based on the results of interviews and search on the secondary sources, the researchers obtained the following marketing and public relations related information. The information was analyzed and categorized based on their two aspects.

#### Promotional Strategies and Public Relations Activities
To promote the World Games to Kaohsiung residents and countrymen of Taiwan, both local and national governments put great effort into creating many, varied activities. Special design competitions were held to solicit ideas for the official logo and mascot. Mr. Lin Hung-he won the (approximately) $13,000 USDs grand-prize as his design was chosen as the official logo (35). The former interim Mayor, Yeh Chu-lian also revealed the official mascot, Water Spirit, during her short tenure (35,38). Nearly $20,000 USDs was spent to reward the winners for naming the official mascot (38). To educate the fans and residents about the World Games the Kaohsiung Education Bureau established the World Games Education Program which involved all of the elementary and secondary schools. Students at each school were assigned to study a specific sport. They became familiar with the rules, history, and star athletes of their assigned sport. These students also received complimentary tickets to the games to cheer for the athletes (20). Other promotional activities for the World Games included: (1) a special float for the Independence Parade on October 13, 2003, (2) the announcement of national sport heroes, Chi-Cheng and baseball star of the Yankees, Wang Chien-ming to be the event spokespersons, (3) a poster contest, and (4) sport movie festivals (24,26,40).

The Taiwanese government publicized the news of hosting the World Games to many of its treaty nations. Delegates traveled more than half a world away to South America to express appreciation for the support and friendship provided by treaty nations (25). Former President Chen Shui-bian also promised to invite the Army parachute troopers to perform during the opening ceremony of the World Games(19).

On May 20, 2009 with the inauguration of the Main Stadium, a special concert was held in the Main Stadium of the World Games. The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna State Opera Choir, the National Experimental Chorus, the National Sun Yat-sen University Music Department Women’s Chorus and the Kaohsiung Medical University Singers worked together to perform Tchaikovsky’s ‘1812 Overture’ and Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’. More than 40,000 people attended the concert (6). The Kaohsiung Metro Rapid Transit System also proved its capability to handle a high volume of passengers during the peak hours. During the competition period, fireworks shows, expositions, and food fairs were held every night at the True Love Harbor, one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city (6).

#### Sales and Marketing-Related Data

Table 2 lists the major sponsors of the 2009 World Games. A total of 40 sponsors and partners are further classified into three levels. About 80% of the total sponsors and partners were domestic business organizations. The amount of contribution from each level of sponsors and partners was not available for disclosure.

Public Television Service of Taiwan televised selected events. However, no fee amount for the TV rights has been disclosed. Most media coverage and exposure came mainly relied from the Internet. The KOC also collaborated with to sell event tickets. Spectators purchased the tickets in one of the 4,800 7-11 stores in Taiwan by using the I-bon system, or at the event sites. The information on ticket prices was released in March 2009, and tickets were available for sale in April 2009. According to the news report, revenues for the gate receipts exceeded $2-million USDs (8).

For the sale of licensing merchandise, the official mascot, “Water Spirit”, was used as the main icon to create a series of subsidiary products.  These products were produced by Cheerful Fashion Goods CO., LTD., a company devoted to cultivating young Taiwanese designers who design products based on traditional Taiwanese culture.  The World Games licensing merchandise included polo shirts and t-shirts with color choices, recyclable chopsticks, flip-flops, key chains, passport holders, purses, shopping bags, coffee mugs, caps, and poker cards. The price of these souvenirs generally ranged from $4 to $30 USDs.

Prior to the event, an optimistic estimation (over 5,000) was given regarding the number of potential participants. According to the news report, the total number of participants from 131 countries indeed exceeded 5,000 (8). Because the Kaohsiung World Games was held during the summer time, which is the “hot” season for the city’s tourism, it was difficult to estimate the actual number of foreign visitors who arrived strictly due to the World Games. However, some economists estimated the number of the foreign visitors would reach between 30,000 and 50,000 people (31). The World Games was also predicted to bring in business worth $30 million USDs to Kaohsiung City. It was thought that the event could have a great impact on the price of real estate, estimating that the price of a house near the Main Stadium could expect a 30% increase in value (31). Based on the researchers’ personal observations, this prediction has been realized in some areas near the MRT stations adjacent to the stadium.

### Discussion and Conclusions
Past literature has in-depth discussions of economic impact and financial gains for international sport events. The data of sponsorship deals, TV rights fees, and gate receipts for past events such as FIFA Tournament or Olympic Games are available for the public to browse (1-2,17,30,36,41-42). It seems logical that scholars in Western societies, with the strong influence of capitalism, would focus more on financial (or economic) related information of the events. Clearly, there was a series of pre-game promotional and cultural activities sponsored by the KOC to increase the residents’ awareness of the World Games. However, all of the interviewees failed to provide valuable financial data on TV rights fee and sponsorship incomes. They seemed to have a vague idea or no interest at all regarding the topics of potential economic impact or projected revenues of the Kaohsiung World Games. There was also no available data on revenue generation through merchandise sales. More attention was devoted to issues related to the possible boycott by the Chinese team, the potential outbreak of H1N1 influenza, and cultural festivals sponsored by the city.

Financial information related to the Kaohsiung World Games, other than the spending in promotional activities and construction costs, was difficult to retrieve. A report had indicated the revenues in ticket sales exceeded $2 million USDs (8), but this is a small amount compared to the construction costs of nearly $170 million USDs. Based on the KOC CEO Ms. Hsu’s explanation, Kaohsiung City has taken a “not-for-profit” approach to recruiting volunteers and sponsors. This seems to be a common approach used by many of the East Asian countries to host major sport events. This implies that the local government is willing to absorb the operational cost, even if revenues fail to cover expenses. As long as the country receives recognition and media attention, it is seen as worthwhile to spend a huge amount of money for hosting the event. Thus, it is not difficult to understand why the Taipei city would promise to offer free admission to all spectators of the Deaflympic Games. Although the KOC outsources the ticket and merchandise sales to and Cheerful Fashion Goods CO respectively, potential revenues through TV rights and ticket sales are not clearly discussed and emphasized. Apparently the previous seven World Games were all financed by a virtual company established by the governments of the hosting countries; however, none of the previous hosts has spent so much money in trying to advertise their country and the events.

In Kaohsiung’s case, the researchers would actually like to see a more commercialized approach to allocating funding. This would mean less spending of tax dollars for the games (35), and more involvement of the private sectors in advertising, donations, and sponsorships. There is no advantage to putting the city in debt in hosting an event that shows no promise in bringing profits.

Prior to the opening ceremony of the World Games, the Taiwanese government had monitored politically-related issues closely.

The patriotic acts of the Taiwanese residents and the Chinese government’s unfriendly political actions were considered to be critical issues during the competition period (28). Although it is common to witness political activists taking actions during a gigantic international sport event (i.e., Olympic Games) to express their ideologies (14), for a new event host such as Taiwan, any unexpected political activity during the event would negatively affect the reputation and image of the nation and future business opportunities brought by foreign enterprise. The Chinese team eventually boycotted the Opening Ceremony, but the KOC adhered strictly to the Olympic operational model to prevent any further political disruption (23,34). From the political perspective, the Kaohsiung World Games can be considered a great success. From the economic standpoint, it seems the city is not clearly standing on the “winning” side.

### Practical Applications in Sport
Based on the aforementioned discussions, the researchers would recommend the following to the City of Kaohsiung and other sport organizing committees for planning the future events:

1. Future sport organizing committees should develop a strategic plan to solicit more well-known international and domestic business franchises/industries to sponsor the event. In this case, the KOC had done a great job in recruiting a variety of sponsors according to their nature of business and functionality to satisfy the needs of the events. However, the KOC did not provide enough onsite opportunities for the sponsors to actively interact with the spectators. A future strategic plan for targeting sponsors should cover how to execute “activation” activities effectively and utilize complimentary tickets for hospitality. The committees need to provide clear incentives and business opportunities for the sponsors, so the sponsors can be convinced to invest their capitals and manpower. More complimentary tickets could be offered to the sponsors to enhance the level of hospitality.
2. The sport organizing committees should closely collaborate with the governmental agencies (i.e., city government, Sport Affairs Council, and Bureau of Tourism) to aggregate accurate financial reports (especially on the revenues of broadcasting rights and ticket sales and costs of construction) of the events. The collected information will be beneficial to the planning and bidding of future events. It also acts to show accountability to the public, by making the figures of total spending transparent. Without a clear income figure on broadcasting rights and sponsorship deals, it is hard to imagine how the organizing committee could make any profits.
3. For any developing countries wishing to achieve political stardom rapidly, bidding to host a mega-international sport event seems to be a good alternative. Evidently, China and South Africa both greatly increased their political visibility by hosting the 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 FIFA World Cup. The City of Kaohsiung should be actively involved in bidding on a moderate-scale for continental and international sport competitions, such as East-Asian Games, Asian Games, World University Games and special track-and-field invitationals. This will help Taiwan increase its political visibility and learn to handle its political conflict with China peacefully. Having these events in Kaohsiung will also maximize the opportunities for the use of existing facilities and boost potential tourism.

### Tables

#### Table 1. The List of Interview Questions
Q1. Who are the primary sponsors of the World Games? (If the numbers are available, please specify the amounts of contributions for each level of sponsors.)

Q2. Which television network will televise the World Games? What is the estimated amount of the TV right fee?

Q3. How are tickets sold to the general public? How many types of tickets are available? What are the prices of all different types of tickets?

Q4. What are the major types of the World Games licensed merchandise along with their prices?

Q5. What are the projected revenues that the World Games may bring to the city?

Q6. What is the estimated number of the visitors during the period of World Games competitions?

Q7. How many full-time staff members are recruited by the city to prepare for the World Games?

#### Table 2. Major Sponsors of the 2009 World Games

Level Company
Level A (n=11) Official Partners China Airline, 7-11, Chunghwa Telecom, Carrefour, China Steel Company Group, Taipower, China Petroleum Company Corporation, Marina, Tissot, Volkswagen, Coca-Cola
Level B (n=7) Partners SECOM, Banana Chippy, Wei Mon Industry, China Postal, Kaohsiung Medical University & Hospital, Heineken, Real Estate Development Association of Kaohsiung
Level C (n=22) Sponsors Taiwan High Speed Rail, Taiwan Sugar Corporation, Giant, SYM, PXmart, Greenoil, Fish888, Starbucks, ShinKong Life, Hellocar, Hamilton Sunscreen, Dole, New Zealand Kiwifruit, Nitto Denko, Sundance, Bank of Kaohsiung, Sakura, Tong-yang, Cold Stone Creamery, Bros Sports, White Flowers

### References
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### Corresponding Author
Steve Chen
208C Combs Business Building, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY 40351
606-783-2433 (office)

2015-10-02T23:25:11-05:00October 4th, 2010|Sports Facilities, Sports Management|Comments Off on Preparation for an International Sport Event: The Promotional Strategies of 2009 Kaohsiung World Games

The price of NFL fandom: An exploratory study of the past, present, and future purchasing power of NFL fans

### Abstract

Concerns regarding gentrification of sports and the loss of middle-income fans have increased throughout the years, as ticket prices have continued to increase well beyond the rate of inflation for professional sports. This research focused on the changes in purchasing power for fans wishing to attend live games in the National Football League from 1991 to 2009 and then made subsequent forecasts for purchasing power 10 years into the future, should current pricing trends continue unabated. The Fan Cost Index (FCI) was utilized to compare purchasing power over time. Results showed that average FCI price for the league increased by 75% beyond inflation from 1991 to 2009. Purchasing power for fans from all the teams in the study diminished in some fashion from 1991 to 2009. However, eight of the 24 teams in the study severely reduced fan purchasing power, including a 50% or more reduction in the number of tickets alone. If pricing trends continue, the league could experience decreased attendance, particularly from fans in the lower income brackets.

**Key words:** purchasing power, FCI, gentrification, NFL, ticket prices

2017-08-03T10:21:27-05:00October 4th, 2010|Contemporary Sports Issues, Sports Facilities, Sports Management, Sports Studies and Sports Psychology|Comments Off on The price of NFL fandom: An exploratory study of the past, present, and future purchasing power of NFL fans

Duration of Pre-performance Routines of Divers and Performance Outcomes

### Abstract

Pre-performance routines are individualized tasks that are intended to prepare the athlete for correct execution. While the efficacy of pre-performance routines appears established, debate exists concerning temporal consistency. The current study examined pre-performance routine times and degree of difficulty of the top 16 state divers in the mid-western United States. Each of the 16 participants in the study performed 10 different dives with varying difficulty and scores. Significance was found between the top eight finishers and bottom eight finishers in mean pre-performance time. The top eight finishers had a mean pre-performance time of 6.18 seconds and the bottom eight finishers mean pre-performance time was 4.93 seconds. Significance was also revealed across the degree of difficulty of dives (easy, moderate, and hard) and their pre-performance times. Results support previous findings that suggest duration of pre-performance routines increase as difficulty increases, resulting in improved performance.

**Key Words:** Pre-performance routines, diving, duration

### Introduction

Pre-performance routines are intended to enhance performance by eliminating distractions and helping performers transfer thoughts from task-irrelevant to task-relevant cues (13). Pre-performance routines can occur in any type of sport; it appears to be most beneficial with self-paced tasks and closed-skill sports (e.g., tennis, bowling, and golf) (4). Pre-performance routines have been examined in a variety of fashions and across many sports. Two avenues of research that have emanated have examined the behavioral consistency and/or the temporal consistency of pre-performance routines.

The majority of pre-performance routine research has investigated behavioral consistencies that include specific movement patterns before and during execution of skills (e.g., dribbling a basketball, practice swings, etc.). Results of behavioral consistencies amongst pre-performance routines offer varying conclusions. For instance, Czech, Ploszay, and Burke (3) exmined the behavioral consistency of pre-shot routines in basketball free throw shooting. Results were not significant between routine or non-routine groups, however, the authors found a six percent increase in the free-throw percentage as the behavioral consistency of the pre-performance routine increased. In the most in-depth pre-performance routine research to date, Lonsdale and Tam (8) examined both temporal patterns and behavioral consistency of free-throw shooters of fifteen NBA players during the playoffs. Results revealed that players who adhered to behavioral routines were significantly (12.47%) more consistent free-throw shooters than those who were consistent with respect to duration alone.

The duration of pre-performance routines and performance outcomes also appears to be equiovical (1,5,7,8,14). Wrisberg & Pein (14) naturalistically observed the duration of collegiate basketball players pre-performance routines for free-throw shooting. They found a negative correlation (r = -0.41) between their free-throw percentage and routine duration. Similarly, Bell and colleagues (in-press) examined the temporal consistency of putting routines of collegiate golfers. The authors examined two separate NCAA Division I collegiate golf tournaments. The within-subject design across fifteen golfers revealed that deviation in pre-performance time resulted in a significant decrease in putting performance.

On the other hand, Jackson (5) examined 572 place kicks across 13 participants during the 1999 Rugby Union World Cup. The author examined difficulty of kicks, concentration times, and physical preparation times. Results revealed no differences amongst the best and worst kickers, but more importantly as situational pressure increased, players had longer concentration times (5). These results extended previous results suggesting that temporal consistency of pre-performance routines varies (6). In addition, research with elite tennis players and their pre-service routines showed a lack of temporal consistency amongst service routines with no significant difference in outcomes (4).

Varying results across behavioral and temporal consistencies of pre-performance routines may be due to the idiosyncratic tendencies across sports. For instance, examination of rugby kickers found that pre-performance routines were altered due to external factors such as time-outs and substitions (5). In addition, while no consistent service routines were found amongst elite tennis players, the authors only examined the first tennis serve (4). Tennis serving allows two service opportunties and within the professional ranks, first serves are intended for winning and/or establishing the point, which may cause more performance errors altogether. Delving further, Lonsdale & Tam (8) did not distnguish their analysis between type of free-throw attempts (e.g., one and one, two-shot, or one shot attempt) which may also have impacted results.

The sport of competitive diving is unique, and provides an excellent testbed for examining pre-performance routines. Each dive has a pre-determined degree of difficulty (DD) that increases with the number of twists and somersaults (10). Since difficulty and situational differences may account for increases in pre-performance times in other sports (5), analysis of pre-performance routine duration with specific difficulty ratings is warranted. The sport of diving actually operationally defines preparation time as any movement prior to take-off, which is the approach steps in a forward dive and the movement of the board for a reverse dive (10). Thus, due to the lack of any discernable behavioral measures, examining temporal patterns of pre-performance routines in divers is advantageous.

Research has yet to examine the pre-performance routines of a closed-skill, self-paced sport such as diving. The purpose of the current study was to examine the duration of pre-performance routines of high-school divers during a major competition to determine the extent of the significance, if any, with relation to the difficulty and outcome of the dive. Due to the lack of consistent findings across various sports, no formal hypothesis was formulated regarding the potential relationship between pre-performance routine and outcome. However, coinciding with results from Jackson (5) and Jackson and Baker (6), it was hypothsized that increased degree of difficulty dives would result in longer routine durations.

### Methods

#### Participants

Participants were 16 female high-school level divers during a state championship meet. There were six seniors, four juniors, five sophomores, and one freshman. The authors used naturalistic observation in which the participants were unknowingly observed. Due to sensitive material for the demographics, no anthropometric data (e.g., height/weight) was made public, thus none was collected.

#### Setting

The research study took place at an indoor Division I collegiate aquatic facility. All dives took place on a one-meter springboard with 16 participants performing all 10 dives.

#### Design & Procedures

The current study involved direct observation by two researchers in which the participants were unknowingly being observed. The variable of pre-performance time (PPT) initiated when both feet of the participant were set in a fixed position on the diving board. The PPT ended when the participant took the first step towards the end of the board for a front approach or when the arms began to swing on a reverse dive. These two criteria were selected due to their consistency amongst all routines (10).

Degree of difficulty (DD) was recorded for each diver and was separated into three categories (easy, moderate, and hard). Degree of difficulty is the perceived difficulty in accordance with the local state high school association guidelines and is established prior to each competition year.

Easy Dives – Individual dives with a degree of difficulty ranging from 0-1.8.

Moderate Dives – Individual dives with a degree of difficulty ranging from 1.9-2.1.

Hard Dives – Individual dives with a degree of difficulty from 2.2 or higher.

Last, each diver compiled a Total Dive Score (TDS) for each dive. Each individual dive is given a score based upon 7 judges hired by the state high school athletic association. The highest two and the lowest two judge scores were dropped from the scoring. The remaining three scores were added together and multiplied by the degree of difficulty for that particular dive to form a total dive score.

(Judge score 1 + Judge score 2 + Judge score 3) x Degree of Difficulty = Total Dive Score

#### Data Collection Procedure

All ten rounds of dives were observed directly by two researchers. The researchers used a stopwatch to time the length of pre-performance routine to the tenth of a second. To help ensure reliability of measurement, the slower of the two times was used. Any times from the researchers that deviated from each other by over 5 tenths (.5) of a second were not used. The researchers also hand wrote the total dive score for each particular dive. Each measurement was put into a spreadsheet at the time of the study. Participants were given an identification label so that inferences could be made later in the study.

#### Data Analysis

The researchers used a median split strategy similar to Jackson (5) to identify the best and worst performers. In order to investigate differences in PPT for the highest and lowest scoring performers, the divers were separated into the top and bottom halves, using their total scores. The mean PPT values of the groups were then compared using an independent samples t-test to determine whether there were significant differences in time taken prior to dive for the highest and lowest scoring individuals.

In addition, a mixed effects analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to examine the relationship between PPT and total dive score (TDS), as well as to compare the mean total dive score across the three dive difficulty conditions (Easy, Moderate and Hard). Sidak’s pairwise multiple comparison procedure was used to follow up a statistically significant dive difficulty effect (11). As well as testing the major effects of interest in this study, the mixed effects model also accounted for the repeated measures (10 dives) for each competitor.

### Results

Sixteen participants completed 10 rounds of dives. Total PPT was (M= 5.53, SD = 2.76 seconds) across 160 total dives. Results revealed a significant difference between the top eight finishers and bottom eight finishers at p < 0.05The eight participants with the highest dive scores displayed PPT (M= 6.18, SD= 2.93 seconds) which was significantly longer than the PPT (M=4.93, SD=2.42 seconds) of eight participants with the lowest scores Means and standard deviations across all 10 dives for the two groups are presented in Table 1.

Results from the mixed effects model appear in Table 2. Both PPT and DD were treated as fixed effects, while the diver was treated as a random effect in this analysis. The slope relating PPT to the total score was statistically significant and positive, b= 0.089, SE= .028, df =155, p= .002, 95% CI [.033, .144] indicating that the longer the PPT the higher the total score on a given dive. This model also revealed a significant difference between levels of DD on the mean final score.

Table 3 shows the mean and standard deviation of total dive score (TDS) for each of the degree of difficulty (DD) groups. As described previously, in order to determine which means were significantly different across DD, Sidak’s (11) method for multiple comparisons was used. Statistically significant differences across levels of DD were found for all comparisons except between the hard-to-moderate groups. The easy to moderate and easy to hard DD groups had significantly different means (p<0.001), as did the moderate to easy and hard to easy DD groups (p<0.001).

### Discussion

Pre-performance routines have been noted across various sports and in different fashions (13). However, research is equivocal regarding duration and performance outcomes. To date, research has yet to examine pre-performance routines that account for specific degrees of difficulty. The purpose of this study was to examine possible relationships between the duration of diver’s pre-performance routine, degree of difficulty, and outcome.

Results revealed that the top eight finishers took significantly longer in the preparation time than the bottom eight finishers of the competition. There was over a one second difference (1.25 seconds) between the two groups, which is contrary to recent research suggesting no difference in preparation times between the best and worst performers (5).

In support of the hypothesis, results indicate that the degree of difficulty had a significant effect on pre-performance times, as dives increased in difficulty, pre-performance times also increased. These findings appear consistent with current research in that preparation times increased with regard to difficulty (5, 6).

Contrary to other pre-performance routine research (8), the sport of diving appears to distinquish pre-performance routines as cognitive rather than behavioral due to the lack of any movement prior to takeoff (10). Thus, it is safe to assume that the pre-performance routines by the divers consisted of strictly cognitive preparation (e.g., self-talk, imagery) as opposed to any observable behavioral tendancies (e.g., dribbling a basketball). Although speculative, due to the methodology and scores of the dives, more difficult dives seemed to require additional mental processing as opposed to easier dives with little thought (12).

Methodologically, one should consider the closed skill of competitive diving. Perhaps after the first several rounds, some divers could not significantly advance in the standings and merely “went through the motions” on the springboard. On the other hand, the top-positioned divers may have taken more preparation time as result of their scores and positions. Unfortunately, due to the lack of qualitative measurements of the divers themselves, this limitation should be acknowledged. In addition, the lack of insight into the athlete experience appears to be a major limitation of all recent pre-performance routine research (1,4,5,8,9).

Wrisberg and Pein (14) state that the skilled performer will demonstrate a more consistent routine than a less skilled performer despite individual differences. While Wrisberg and Pein (14) examined basketball players across an entire season, the current study only directly examained one major competition. The changes in pre-performance time in the current study may be attributed to the previous diving and competition experience. It may also be neccesary to suggest the small sample contributed to these findings.

Whereas the sport of diving lends credence to the temporal consistency of pre-performance routines, further research is needed. A triangulation of data collection may yield greater results. Specifically, a within-subject design that examines both the duration of routines and behavioral components, and obtains qualitative inquiries from divers appears to offer a concrete strategy of data collection. Most important is the data collection of repeated measures across an entire season (14).

### Conclusion

To date, the current study is the first to examine divers’ pre-performance routines. Consistent with previous research, as difficulty increased, performers had longer pre-performance routines (5). There was also a significant difference in pre-performance routines between the top eight finishers and the bottom eight finishers. In contradiction to past research results (1,8), longer preparation times may be indicative of improved performance. Lastly, examining the temporal consistency of pre-performance routines for a self-paced skill appears to provide insight into concentration times and, in turn, effective performance.

### Applications in Sport

Cohn (2) states that within any routine is the sport itself, along with actual nature of the required task. Whereas, it is difficult to transfer these findings across sports that incorporate behavioral tendencies (e.g., golf, rugby, basketball), athletes should nonetheless develop consistent pre-performance routines. Consistent with previous research, the most important aspect of pre-performance routines appears to be an appropriate attentional focus (8). Coaches across all sports should help athletes incorporate effective attentional cues (e.g., internal/external) within their routine depending on the skill level of the performer (for a review see Lindor & Singer, 7). As mentioned previously, future pre-performance routine research should incorporate a triangulation of data that encompasses temporal, behavioral, and qualitative data within applied sport settings.

### Tables

#### Table 1
Mean (standard deviation) PPT* of All Dives Examined from the Top 16 Finishers

Category Number of Dives PPT (seconds) SD (seconds)
All Drivers 160 5.53 (2.76)
Top 8 Finishers 80 6.18 (2.93)
Bottom 8 Finishers 80 4.93 (2.42)

* PPT=Pre-performance time

#### Table 2
Effects of PPT* and DD** Groups with Type III Tests of Fixed Effects with the Score as the Dependant Variable

Source Numerator df Denominator df F P
Intercept 1 62.571 740.577 0.000
PPT 1 155.110 10.091 0.002
DD Group 2 145.908 31.658 0.000

**Note:** Dependent Variable is Score
* PPT=Pre-performance time
** DD=Degree of difficulty

#### Table 4
Total Dive Score means of DD* Groups

Group Mean (SD)
Easy 6.74 (0.95)a
Moderate 5.86 (0.65)b
Hard 5.70 (1.09)b

Note: Means that do not share subscripts (e.g., a, b) differ at p

#### Graph 1
Total Dive Score means of DD* Groups
![Mean score](/files/volume-13-number-4/5/graph-1.jpg “Mean score”)
Note: * Significance at 001.

### Corresponding Author
Robert J. Bell, Ph.D
HP 222-E
Ball State University
Muncie, In 47306

### Author Bios

Robert J. Bell, Ph.D
Ball State University

W. Holmes Finch, Ph.D
Ball State University

Zach Whitaker, M.A.
Santa Clara Diving

2013-11-25T17:12:24-06:00October 4th, 2010|Sports Exercise Science, Sports Management, Sports Studies and Sports Psychology|Comments Off on Duration of Pre-performance Routines of Divers and Performance Outcomes
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