Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) Progress Report: 2005-2010

### Introduction

In the process of organizing the Beijing Games, the Organizing Committee launched an Olympic education programme which touched such a number of young people that the record threatens to out-live generations of today’s youth. With schools across the nation participating, 400,000,000 young people partook of this programme to complete a daunting task that began just six years earlier, one year after Beijing was awarded the Games. While these numbers are staggering and the Olympic education programme was solely a national production, be it with great similarities to the IOC’s Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP), it remains a fact that it has inspired a number of National Olympic Committees to dream of such a reach. Pro-rated, the percentages are achievable. Rwanda, with a population of just over 120,000,000 would, under this assumption, need to reach a youth population of around 3.5 million. The Indian Olympic Association is hoping its own start-up programme will touch around 20,000,000 young people through the inaugural Indian National Club Games and the ever popular Indian National Games.

This truncated progress report is meant to give some direction to the first-ever meeting of OVEP animators in Durban preceding the 7th World Conference on Sport, Education and Culture. The meeting is intended to generate discussion on the overall review and progress of the OVEP project. In view of the President of the IOC signing off to a four year extension of the programme, the participants to the meeting will be asked to contribute their thoughts and experiences in regard to the way forward. OVEP is not a Youth Olympic Games Culture and Education Programme (CEP). It is supposed to be a pre and post YOG supporting system for all youth, whether or not participants in the youth games.

The coming on board of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is an exciting dimension to OVEP. The organization’s idea of promoting the programme in its 9,000 Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) around the world to buttress values-based education bodes well for Olympism. UNESCO representatives are expected to share their experiences with participants during the meeting. Some developing countries are yet to establish ASPnet schools in their own countries.

In this report, three continents – Africa, Asia and Oceania – feature prominently as having been the successful test beds for the programme. Hopes are high that The Americans will have the programme up and running in 2011. Under the authority of the Pan-American Sports Organization (PASO) and the leadership of the Spanish Olympic Committee, OVEP is being launched in a large-scale way and will immediately be available as a standalone subject on the Spanish NOC’s virtual university. The project will also encompass Portuguese-speaking countries such as Brazil, Portugal and a number of developing countries in Africa.

The European charge is expected to be led by the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (IPCC) which has done an impressive job of bringing together school children to a youth forum once every two years to dedicate their time to Olympic education. With the urging and material support of the IOC, IPCC has been widening its reach to include young people from other continents. Lately, young people from Asia, Africa and the Americas have participated in the biennial gatherings. OVEP will be an integral element in the established forum programme; however, OVEP as an undertaking in Europe will be driven by IPCC.

### Project Environment

#### Olympic Values Education

Taking into account the IOC’s social responsibility and with the focus on sport as a vehicle to deliver the message, OVEP was developed as a tool to further the IOC’s global youth strategy. The use of Olympic sport traditions and their inherent values is used as the backdrop for the IOC’s values-based teaching and learning opportunities. OVEP integrates sport and physical activity within a cultural and educational framework, and is in line with the United Nations General Assembly declaration of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD – 2005-2014).

Safeguarding the needs of future generations, OVEP is a key component to the activities of the IOC and the Olympic Movement at large. In view of the fact, that in today’s world, the practice of sport has changed and with the objective to get the “Now Generation” back onto the field of play, this donor-supported project was launched in 2005 with the key objective as stated by the IOC President and approved by the Executive Board, “to develop an Olympic educational programme targeted primarily at young people and youth”.

The unique potential originating from the practice of sport has been repeatedly recognized. Progressive solutions to use the power of sport, its ability to initiate intercultural dialogue, its global reach, its effect on the sporting community and beyond represent an area to enhance equality, obtain personal freedom and a means for development.

However, as has been expressed by the IOC President, the delivery of a values-based education will depend on the joint efforts of all concerned; the sporting movement being a small part but a driving force within the larger playing field. In its contributions to the global platform of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), sport has a key role to play. Specifically, MDG objective Goal 2 (Achieve universal primary education) can be addressed in the framework of OVEP as the essential value of sport lends itself to quality education. That is to say that integration of sports activities can make school more appealing and increase learning motivation in youth.

The link between the IOC’s educational strategy in support of the DESD can be translated to:

– Making education more relevant and meaningful
– Building partnerships in support of sustainable development
– Developing skills both inside and outside the classroom
– Making teaching as well as learning a fun process

#### The Olympic Values Education Toolkit Resource

According to the Olympic Charter, “Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good examples and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.”

Sport and the broader base of physical education provide a boundless arena from which to learn life skills such as tolerance, solidarity, fair play, non-discrimination, inclusivity, friendship, respect, excellence, dedication, loyalty and courage. Fundamental or universal virtues such as the value of effort and how to face life’s challenges such as victory or defeat are part and parcel of participation through and in sport.

The catalytic power of sport in uniting people for a common goal as well as the positive example it can provide to youth is the foundation from which the IOC embarked on the OVEP project. The resource, “Teaching Values, an Olympic Education Toolkit”, conceptualizes education and promotes the development of a values-based, life-long learning paradigm. The focus is on development of life skills and learning, that spreads beyond the sporting field or the four walls of the classroom encapsulated into the fabric of daily lives.

The OVEP project was built on the three pillars of: a teaching manual (a reference tool), an interactive database (network platform) and a label to encourage take-up (promoter of new initiatives). This report does not encompass the latter two components of the project, but strictly adheres to communicating information on the teaching manual and the implementation thereof.

#### The Five Educational Olympic Values

In November 2005, an IOC Education Expert Workshop reached a consensus on the objectives of OVEP, its constraints, deliverables and possible implementation strategies. During this ‘think tank’ event, it was agreed that the five educational values of the toolkit would be the pedagogical cornerstone and basis of the teaching resource:

Joy of effort – Young people develop and practice physical, behavioral and intellectual skills by challenging themselves and each other in physical activities, movement, games and sport.

Fair play – is a sports concept, but it is applied worldwide today in many different ways. Learning fair play behavior in sport can lead to the development and reinforcement of fair play behavior in the community and in life.

Respect for others – When young people who live in a multicultural world learn to accept and respect diversity and practice personal peaceful behavior, they promote peace and international understanding.

Pursuit of excellence – A focus on excellence can help young people to make positive, healthy choices, and strive to become the best that they can be in whatever they do.

Balance between body, will and mind – Learning takes place in the whole body, not just in the mind. Physical literacy and learning through movement contributes to the development of both moral and intellectual learning. This concept became the foundation of Pierre de Coubertin’s interest in a revival of the Olympic Games.

#### Summary of the OVEP Project Timeline

Year Action
2005 Decision by the IOC to develop a global youth strategy and address social responsibility through an educational values programme. IOC Education Expert Workshop reached a consensus on the objectives of OVEP, its constraints, deliverables and possible implementation strategies (Nov-Dec 2005). Sponsor-generated donation running over a 4 year period was presented to the IOC by ISM (2005).
2006 IOC President and EB approve OVEP project (Jan 2006). Teaching Values: An Olympic Education Toolkit was penned. The toolkit was presented at the 5th World Forum for Sport, Education and Culture (October 2006), was subsequently reviewed by the Culture and Education Working Group for Olympic Education and approved by the IOC Culture and Education Commission.
2007 Field testing started with the World Scout Jamboree Event in Chelmsford, UK (July-August 2007). Some 28,000 young people between the ages of 14 and 17 and 12,000 adults were present at this event.
Since 2008 Running of pilot phase, having successfully concluded 10 Train the Trainer Workshops with a geographical reach in 3 continents (Africa, Oceania and Asia).

### Projective Objectives

Having recognized the social and educational significance of sport, Olympic education reinforces the cultural DNA of individuals in a globalized world and further promotes the well-being of all using, among others, the tool of sport. With this fundamental principle in mind, it was agreed that the OVEP project would be initially established in developing countries in order to promote the application of Olympic values through sport.

To this effect, the following objectives were defined:

– **Objective 1:** Education – To design and implement an Olympic Education programme for children and young people in developing and developed countries in order to promote the application of Olympic values through sport.
– **Objective 2:** Multi-application – Heterogeneous applicability (e.g. multi-lingual, multi-cultural, actualization within different geo-political environments).
– **Objective 3:** Internal Collaboration – Compatible with IOC development programme policy in collaboration with other IOC departments (e.g. Olympic Solidarity, Olympic Museum, Sports Department).
– **Objective 4:** Global implementation – Evaluate the possibilities of extending OVEP into a global and general public promotional campaign following the pilot phase.

### Project Implementation

The pilot phase was built under the aegis of the “Train the Trainer” (TtT) model. The working concept underpinning the methodology was the “ripple or multiplier effect” in which the effective transfer of learning extends outward. That is to say that one person is trained in a group setting after which s/he takes that knowledge, skills and materials and confidently trains other groups. This formula was successfully implemented through 10 TtT workshops in 3 continents (Africa, Oceania and Asia) with a reach of approximately 45 countries. The latter does not take into account the integration of OVEP within Organizing Committees education programmes, national educational start-up initiatives, the OlympAfrica network and International Federations, to name a few.

### Review of Implementation from a Continental Perspective

A few outstanding facts to date:

– The OVEP project has trained over 300 delegates from approx. 45 countries so far.
– Relevant to Olympic Games special Olympic education programmes and OVEP reach was extended to 40,000 schools (Beijing 2008) and 2,100 British Columbia schools with 200,000 resource hits on the VANOC website platform (Vancouver 2010). The London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is also in full swing with their official launch of the London 2012 education programme, “Get Set”.

Following the inaugural launch of the programme in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania in 2008, the following highlights per continent can be reported.

#### Africa

– More than 155 countries have been targeted and subsequently activated.
– Over 100 trainers have been prepared to roll out the programme on a national level.
– Two regional workshops organized by the Department of International Cooperation and Development (DICD) in collaboration with OlympAfrica and hosted by the NOCs of Mali and Gambia have taken place. As a result, some NOCs have established a culture and Education Commission to further the activities on a national level.
– OlympAfrica Foundation is a valuable and key partner in disseminating and rolling-out OVEP. More than 250 activities are carried out in OlympicAfrica centres and OVEP is part of their offerings.
– The National Olympic Committee of Kenya has taken a lead interest in Olympic Values dissemination for the region and on a national level.
– The opening of the Olympic Youth Development Center in Zambia is a great boost to the programme. A cross cutting project in conjunction with United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) offers the perfect venue for the running of a Global Sports for Youth International Camp wherein OVEP modules have been integrated into the five day established programme. Six country delegations from Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia (host) with a total of 80 participating youths are scheduled to attend the camp in November 2010.
– Cross border implementation is a reality. This has been encouraged between the neighboring countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe between Tanzania and Kenya.
– Inroads at the policy decision making level (Ministries of Education) and the building of a sound national foundation have been made for example in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Uganda. Burundi will follow the same patter.
– Sensitization workshops (i.e. key to establishing a solid and sustainable foundation for programme roll-out) have been organized and incorporated in the framework for implementation in countries such as Zimbabwe, Kenya, Burundi and Egypt.

#### Asia

– The 5th World Forum on Sport, Education and Culture (Beijing, 2006) identified a network of 70 contacts in China to play a role in the outreach programme for OVEP. As illustrated during the 2008 Beijing Games, host countries of Olympic Games can and have played important roles as a channel of distribution for Olympic education.
– In view of the inaugural 2010 Youth Olympic Games a TtT Workshop was initiated by the Singapore National Olympic Council in collaboration with the Singapore Olympic Academy (SOA). Thirteen countries were targeted and have been activated through the session. Since last December 2009, 116 trainers have been trained and are rolling out the programme on a national regional level.
– Large scale dissemination in highly populated countries such as India can be very effective from a case study and learning point-of-view. For example, the Delhi Public Schools (DPS) with a student intake of 10,000 students has been utilized for the “hands-on” practicum availed to the workshop participants during the IOC and Indian Olympic Association (IOA) TtT workshop which took place in March 2010. A key outcome has been smaller-scale initiatives on a rural grass roots level which have been conducted in regional provinces such as Raipur Chhattisgarh with the assistance of the provincial government. Also an integral approach led by an academic team from the Delhi university system with 8 adjoining states in the pipeline.
– A transversal project approach has been the result within the framework of activities by the Jordan Olympic Committee. The Higher Council for Youth Summer Camps along with the Amman Greater Municipality have concluded a series of peer-engaged clinics in June/July 2009. Moreover, the Education Division of the National Olympic Committee has been instrumental in securing the interest of the two principal universities of Jordan, the University of Jordan and the Hashemite University, with a view in mind to integrate Olympic values education into the institutions’ physical education curriculum.
– Malaysia has expressed an interest in taking on board the dissemination of OVEP. The results of a graduate student project conducted for the International Academy of Sports Science and Technology in Lausanne (AISTS) illustrated that in collaboration with the NOC and NOA, implementation of OVEP would be a welcome addition within the national educational system.
– The Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) has motioned their interest to take on a lead continental role for the OVEP project in the region in 2011-2012.

#### Oceania

– Fourteen countries were targeted and subsequently activated through the OVEP Continental Seminar (Fiji, July 2009). Thirty-two trainers were trained and prepared to roll out the programme on a national level.
– A legacy of the IOC promoted Continental seminar in 2009 was also the pending MOU between the IOC and the National Universities of South Pacific and the Fiji Institute of Technology to include OVEP within their curriculum.
– Key NOCs in this region such as Australia and New Zealand have a long tradition and inclusive approach as it relates to OV education within their classroom based activities and in the physical education curriculum. Both National Olympic Committees of Australia and New Zealand widely disperse resources and materials through web-based and interactive social media platforms, programmes that are designed to encourage youth to lead active, healthy and values based lifestyles. The New Zealand “Living the Olympic Values” is a popular series of digital and interactive teaching resource with a particular focus on general subjects such as English, Social Sciences and Physical Education. These resources are available for a global audience and for free download.
– Small island projects such as that initiated by the National Olympic Committee of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) resulted in a stellar example of a promising practice with the Young Educator Promoting Olympic Values (YEPOV) workshop following the Continental Seminar in Fiji. Key to the success of this project was the support of Olympic Solidarity (OS) Programmes in collaboration with the Department, and transfer of knowledge from a larger experienced NOC. Extended roll-out in other nearby islands has been achieved.
– The National Olympic Committee of Vanuatu has made progress in its efforts to ensure the inclusion of sport and physical education in the national school curriculum. The NOC has also been proactive in linking into opportunities such as the development of rowing in the region and from a coaching perspective investigating how OVEP would fit into an overall education project.

### Reflective findings

In general, OVEP has made great strides since its inception. There needs to be a continued focus on the explicit teaching of values, together with a continuation of embedding Olympic values principles combined with sports in the classroom, as well as in all out-reach areas and activities. This will result in the development and implementation of creative and innovative programmes that will add to the overall resources in the context of education for sustainable development.

#### Summary

Some general findings which have emerged are as follows:

##### Relevance and strategic fit:

– OVEP goes beyond geo-political and artificial boundaries and is a sustainable platform which can help to address gender inequality, social exclusion, economic challenges, risky behaviors, physical handicaps, among others.
– Notable respect for cultural diversity and educational systems is an integral driver of the programme. To allow regional efficacy OVEP should be prepared to adapt and allow for decision making in the specific region.
– This transfer of knowledge and sharing experiences and good practices among animators of the programme should be the cornerstone for the future of the programme.

##### Validity of programme design and methodology:

– The toolkit does provide a sound basis for implementation and roll-out. However, as identified in the manual, caution needs to be taken in respect to tailoring the activities and TtT workshops to the local and social contexts.

### Lessons Learned

– Availability of financial resources does not guarantee uptake of the programme. What does?
– Need to diversity channels of dissemination of OVEP. Programme must be available in a controlled environment on electronic platforms.
– Derivatives of the programme should be encouraged, for social, political and cultural reasons.
– Many NOCs are taking a passive interest in the programme, leaving the initiative to “others”. There is need for NOCs to take ownership of the programme at national level but still be able to work with other entities. The Olympic brand can only be protected in a given country by the NOC who have the absolute authority to control the Olympic symbols’ use by third parties.
– Mentoring the programme by which experienced trainers coach ‘rookies’ for feedback, problem-solving and strategic modeling needs to be established.
– The need to expand on key entry points (e.g. endorsement of ministries of sport and education, involvement of International Federations, relevant UN agencies).
– The partnership with UNESCO is crucial to the introduction of OVEP in the school curriculum. NOCs need to develop relationships with UNESCO National Commissions in their own countries. This relationship does not currently exist.
– OVEP does not have to be a stand-alone subject. Elements of OVEP can and should be integrated into other educational programmes in truncated forms. The IOA sessions are a perfect platform for delivering unbundled OVEP.
– The language barrier appears to be a strong deterrent in widening the reach of OVEP. Currently, it exists only in English and French. However, the World Taekwondo Federation and a few enterprising NOCs have translated the toolkit into locally-popular languages. This should be encouraged. While NOCs in developing countries might not have the resources for such undertakings, Olympic Solidarity and the Department of International Cooperation and Development have always been sympathetic to requests for resources to advance Olympic education in general and can be counted upon to help.

### Going Forward

In the period of 2005-2010, the OVEP project was launched, tested for its global applicability and fine-tuned where necessary. The report clearly shows that the activities undertaken thus far have brought the project objectives within reach. The pilot phase has successfully rolled out over three regions, while the number and variety of follow-up activities in these regions show that the seed has fallen on fertile ground.

By definition a pilot phase of a project looks at a defined concept on a limited scale. Upon completion, the concept is being evaluated, and budget parameters are being studied. The concept of “teaching life skills through interactive play” (i.e. OVEP) and using sport as a tool is a success story. Simultaneously, in order to reliably measure the progress and impact of the OVEP project, a standardized and repeatable monitoring and reporting system should be in place. This measuring system should be applicable from a central reference point such as the IOC, but also by local authorities.

To this effect, a concept feedback mechanism has been integrated during the IOC-UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) Joint Initiative, “Teaching Olympic Values”. A draft proposal for discussion on further collaboration was brought to the table during a meeting of IOC and UNESCO in September 2010. UNESCO ASPnet tallies more than 9,000 schools in 180 countries.

At the moment, a future strategic outlook or orientation to extend the reach through new partnerships and alliances is being pursued.

In addition, the collaboration with international partner organizations has shown to be of key supplementary value to the programme. Now that the immediate future of the project has been secured from a budgetary perspective with an extension of the donor-generated support, the programme will be continued in existing areas, while new activity regions can and will be added.

Like all large projects in a pilot phase, the period 2005-2010 has highlighted some areas in which the successful programme can perform even better. The fact that all activities require a regional fine-tuning to increase the efficacy (from a socio-economic and political perspective) will bring an added value to the next project phase.

**Department of International Cooperation and Development**
4 December 2010
Durban, South Africa

### Acknowledgements

The compilation of this report would not have been possible without the knowledge base, support and contribution of our global network of OVEP trainers and educators in the broadest sense of the definition.

On behalf of the IOC, the Department of International Cooperation and Development applauds and thank you for your tireless efforts and continuing passion for Olympism.

### Annex A: OVEP Geographical Reach

The bold countries in the table below reflect TtT workshops. The remaining countries in the table were either present as participants or otherwise exposed to OVEP. The table is limited to OVEP related activities and does not take into account wider Olympic education initiatives carried out by the NOCs, Ifs or Recognized Organizations, to name a few.

Africa Asia Ocenia The Americas Europe
B. Faso
Ivory Coast
G. Bissau
Niger Nigeria
Sierra Leone
Chinese Tapei
South Korea
American Samoa
Cook Islands
FS Micronesia
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
P. New Guinea
Canada (Vancouver 2010)
Carribbean (ASPnet Schools)
Great Britain (London 2012)

### Annex B: OVEP Country Implementation

#### Australia

##### Background

Olympic education and the Olympics have always stolen the hearts of the Australian population. The NOC education programmes and aims are implemented by using the Olympic sport traditions and values as the context for teaching life values and life skills. The promotion of the Olympic spirit and values to the wider community is performed through established education programs: (i) Live Clean Play Clean – delivered by young Olympians; (ii) Pierre de Coubertin Awards – open to all senior secondary school students across Australia and (iii) the A.S.P.I.R.E. school network.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Using the Olympic sport traditions and values as the context for teaching life values and skills.
2. Educating young athletes on the moral, ethical and physical reasons for not taking performance-enhancing drugs.
3. Through the Coubertin Awards, select students who demonstrate attributes of fair play and respect for others.
4. Involve the community and stakeholders (NOC, Ministry of Education, Universities, Youth Council, IOC and IFs).
5. A.S.P.I.R.E. School Network (ASN) founded on the Australian Olympic Team’s set of values, namely: attitude, sportsmanship, pride, individual responsibility, respect and express yourself, which is the Australian Olympic Committee’s national education program for primary educators designed to instill in young Australians an appreciation for the values, spirit and philosophy of the Olympic Movement. This comprehensive programme organizes Olympic related activities such as on-line video conferencing providing the opportunity for primary school children to talk with Olympians, Olympic Day Celebration, BK Zone – website for primary students containing fun, interactive educational activities themed around the Olympic Games and Olympic Village Art. Primary students are invited to decorate the Australian section of the Olympic Village (AOC) received over 2,000 pieces of artwork from 100 schools for the Beijing Games).

##### Project implementation:

1. Coubertin Awards: open to all senior students, 779 awarded in 2008.
2. Village Art – Students are invited to deliver a literature or artistic piece of work for the Olympic Games.
3. More than 24,500 ASPIRE teachers registered since 2006.
4. A.S.P.I.R.E. activities: Learn from a Champ, Chat to a Champ, Olympic Day and Village Art, BK Zone and Medallion.
5. Fit OVEP in with Higher Council for Youth activities.
6. Cross-curriculum lectures for primary teachers with focus on the upcoming Olympic Games.
7. On-line Olympic Resources emphasizing Olympic values, literacy and numeracy skills, information and communication technology, active lifestyles and community links.

##### Project follow-up:

As part of the AOC OVEP implementation plan, the toolkit will be distributed to schools participating in the Pierre de Coubertin Awards, State and Federal Departments of Education (8,000 schools and 14,850 teachers registered) and State Olympic Councils (7 SOCs in total).

One of the key challenges pinpointed by the AOC for OVEP implementation is that there is no established uniform national curriculum in the country.

#### Federated States of Micronesia

##### Background

Keeping in mind the agreed commitment of the Regional Seminar in Fiji to prioritize youth empowerment and participation, the Young Educator Promoting Olympic Values (YEPOV) initiative was brought forward by the NOC. The objectives of the project are to: promote OV to Micronesia schools through the Junior Sport Program, increase the number of Micronesia youth interested in participating in sport, to train Micronesia youth and have them share the Olympic Movement with their peers, improve the quality of life of the youth of Micronesia.

Nineteen schools were targeted for this initiative and the project was launched in January 2010. Funding was obtained through the Olympic Solidarity World Programmes. This project is an example of good practices and joint collaboration of a larger experienced NOC lending a hand to one of her smaller counterparts.

##### OVEP workshop objectives:

1. Mentoring of young people, Education and Healthy Lifestyles.
2. Sharing experiences of the Youth Olympic Games.
3. The Role of the Olympic Movement.
4. A positive reinforcement of the Olympic Values and the value of sport.

##### Project implementation:

1. A selection of best students and teachers took place.
2. Endorsement by the participating schools.
3. OVEP objectives shared and incorporated with physical exercise.
4. Financial support received from Olympic Solidarity; material resource support received from the IOC Department of International Cooperation and Development.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Excellent teamwork in the organization of the workshop.
2. Students of Youth Camps and YOG gave presentations.
3. High level of satisfaction in participant evaluation.
4. Exposed schools are already implementing OVs in their programme.
5. Involved NOCs will assist students to follow-up on school activities.

##### Project recommendations:

1. Project will be continued at 2010 High School Track & Field Championships
2. Concept of Youth promoting OVs should be extended through other seminars.
3. The Women & Sport Committees in Oceania could organize such workshops.
4. ONOC to be involved in proposal for OV workshops with senior students.

#### India

##### Background

The introduction of the OVEP programme augured well with the Presidential launch in Pune (October 2008). In the early part of 2010, an IOC National “Train the Trainers” workshop comprised of 35 State Olympic Associations (28 states and 7 union territories) took place. The Delhi Public Schools (DPS) with a student intake of 10,000 was utilized for the “hands-on” practicum availed to the participants during the course of the workshop.

The NOC is committed to the OVEP programme and developing sport diversity at the grassroots level. It was agreed that OVEP would be part of the activities of the Indian National Club Games that will target 800,000 clubs in the country. Roll-out post workshop on a grassroots level is being implemented via the respective State Olympic Associations (SOAs).

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Update participants on OVEP and the Education Toolkit.
2. To offer the OVEP learning and teaching theories.
3. Discuss implementation of OVEP in schools, universities and sport organizations.
4. Create a platform of leaders in schools and communities.
5. Select coaches to instruct OVEP leaders.
6. Involve rural children by providing an opportunity for participation.

##### Project implementation:

1. Creation of a master list of students’ expectations for feedback purposes.
2. Curriculum theory and toolkit analysis.
3. Learning as an active and interactive process (English and Hindi).
4. Learning in group discussions, creative activities, simulations, writing skills.
5. OVEP implementation and concept given to teaching coaches.
6. Motivate coaches to spread the concept to a ‘second’ layer of teachers.
7. Motivate these teachers to involve youth in the learning concept.
8. Nine target areas have been selected for the project.
9. One year of preparation, three years of OVEP implementation.
10. Core OVEP group; Project Directors & Coordinator, (Master) Trainers, Teachers & School Administrators, Performing Artists, Film Makers, University Students & Sportspersons, NGO Volunteers.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Olympic Values: Theory, content and methodology comprehended by students.
2. Toolkit: structure and content comprehended by students.
3. Participation 28 students (teachers 4, professors 5, Parent Advisory Committee 1, NOC officials 4, Sport organizations 14).
4. Implementation of OVEP in educational, sport and youth groups settings.
5. Feedback on resources.
6. Extend OVEP to other countries.

##### Project recommendations:

1. To adapt lecture-oriented, textbook teachers to a programme of physical activity.
2. Practicality of the toolkit in a multi-faceted setting.
3. Establish networking with other global similar projects.
4. University involvement required now to increase the impact.

##### Project assessment:

1. Endless support of staff, IOC and NOC very valuable.
2. Engagement of participants in activities and exercises positive.
3. Flexibility in regard to programme required.
4. Transparency in ideas between participants very helpful.

#### New Zealand

##### Background

For a number of years, the New Zealand Olympic Committee (NZOC) in collaboration with the New Zealand Olympic Academy (NZOA) have been very active in producing educational resources targeted at primary/secondary school levels and inclusion of Olympic education as a classroom-based activity in physical education training curriculum. The Ministry of Education and other key agencies on a country level are involved in this educational context.

The NOC has recently put in place dedicated staff in the form of a full-time Olympic Educator (participant to OVEP Fiji Workshop). The NZOC and NZOA have started to incorporate OVEP into digital education resources for primary schools and at university level. Academic courses on Olympism are now available. IT resources are accessible for free, together with the OVEP manual; this educational process is being channeled through Lift Education, an educational publishing company. This approach is in line with the NZOC Strategic Plan 2010-2013.

##### OVEP project objectives 1 (OVEP incorporation in schools and universities):

1. To promote awareness, engagement and modeling of the educational values of Olympism in the NZL educational system.
2. Develop the Olympism education knowledge base in physical education, sport education and sport coaching.
3. Offer OVEP to the Oceania region as opportunities for teachers.
4. Set up a research culture on Olympism (integrating OVEP) at university level.

##### Project implementation:

1. Olympism and OVEP have been included into the university curriculum of physical education students (University of Canterbury).
2. The above-mentioned University has also integrated OVEP into the education programme for sport coaching.
3. Specific courses on Olympism, Education and Sport and PhD courses in Olympic Studies are in the picture.

##### Project outcomes:

1. The Regional Seminar held in Fiji has exposed many participants to OVEP.
2. Resources and lack of curriculum time form barriers for dissemination.
3. Recommendations were sent to relevant Ministries of Education.
4. Other regional universities have been contacted. At least 3 professional development sessions for physical education teachers took place with an exposure of 200 delegates.
5. University staff have participated in a number of conferences.
6. Platforms created with other academic institutions, funding still a bottleneck.
7. Centre for Olympic studies developed at university level in NZL.

##### Project Recommendations:

1. The initiatives developed in NZL need to spread further in Oceania.
2. ONOC solidarity funding yet not available.
3. For funding beyond NZL university budgets required.
4. Strong, well-resourced leadership for Oceania is required.

##### Project follow-up:

1. Refresher courses for trainers must be organized.
2. Duplication must be avoided by a standardized monitoring and evaluation system.
3. Resources must be secured by initiating corporate partnerships.
4. Majority of trainers follow up with conducting workshops.
5. Trainers must improve their coordination and expand networking.

##### OVEP project objectives 2 (Living the Olympic Values):

1. Target group: primary school students, age 8 – 12 years.
2. Offer interactive digital education resources to primary schools.
3. Tone and technology must be engaging to youth, with a link to English, Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education.
4. Development of a promotional web development plan, focus on awareness of and demand for OV based educational resources.

##### Project implementation:

1. IT Texts are available for free with accompanying teaching notes.
2. Information on Olympism, the NZL curriculum and Resources.
3. Available texts: Olympic Values, Olympic Games, Giving it Everything, Determined to Succeed.
4. Funding was secured through NZOC, NZOA and Olympic Solidarity.
5. Corporate sponsorship currently being sought.
6. A new Board of NZOA is being formed.

#### Singapore

##### Background

In view of the inaugural 2010 Youth Olympic Games the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) in collaboration with the National Olympic Academy (SOA) launched a training workshop directed to the theme of equipping and training educators for the Olympic Values Education Programme.

Under the banner of the 2009 SOA 16th Annual International Session for Young Participants, the Academy built a core group of Olympic Education champions in the Asian continent and Singapore. The Continental Association was on board and collaborated with the NOC in this initiative.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. To promote OVEP to NOCs and NOAs in the region.
2. To equip Olympic educators with knowledge and skills to deliver OVEP in their respective countries.
3. To develop a core group of Olympic Education Leaders, in view of the 2010 YOG in Singapore.

##### Project implementation:

1. Prior to Opening Ceremony a dialogue with 12 SIN Olympians was organized.
2. Olympic history and toolkit analysis.
3. Discussion in working groups on values such as peace, excellence, respect, teamwork, environment, etc.
4. Design of flags and the concept behind flag and ceremony symbolism.
5. Cultural presentations, local as well as international.
6. Simulations of the OG Opening Ceremony
7. An interactive Meet the Olympians’ session.
8. Sharing of national experiences on Olympic Education.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Very positive interaction between participants during workshop days.
2. Successful workshop as judged by the responding participants.
3. A total number of 116 participants with diverse representations.
4. Implementation of OVEP for children and youth appreciated by participants.

#### Tanzania

##### Background

Negotiations with the Ministry of Education to integrate OVEP on a national scale within the context of the school curriculum is hoped to be realized in the upcoming 2009/2010 academic year. The capital (Dar-es-Salaam) has a population of 4 million with a national population of 40+ million. Two workshops per year comprising 30 participants per session would have a high project impact taking into consideration the ripple effect. In order to empower youth, an OVEP Youth Ambassadors programme and the organization of a youth Olympic Festival is being developed by the OVEP Regional Coordinator.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Train 30 physical education leaders from Tanzania.
2. Train 30 physical education leaders from Zanzibar.
3. Create an Olympic Education and Leadership Youth Camp.

##### Project implementation:

1. OVEP presentations were given in schools and school revisits are underway.
2. Workshop on Olympic Values Education held for 30 Women Sports leaders.
3. OVEP presentation held during East African Women Sports Journalists Forum.
4. OVEP presentation given during IOA in Olympia (117 Directors of NOAs).
5. Two day session on volunteerism for 30 young students at TOC headquarters.
6. Training of 150 students on providing Volunteer services during the Queen’s Baton Relay.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Trained students will act as coordinators during Youth Camps.
2. Report author took part in IOA Masters Course.

##### Project follow-up:

1. A proposal was submitted and approved for OVEP training 30 Physical Education Teachers (Sep 2010).
2. A proposal was submitted and approved for the training of 30 Physical Education Teachers in Zanzibar (Nov 2010).
3. A proposal has been submitted to Olympic Solidarity for funding for an International Olympic Education and Leadership Youth Camp (Nov 2010).

#### Zambia

The programme has support from the Ministry of Education, UNICEP (London 2012 International Inspirational project), NOC of Zambia, Sport for Youth and Sport in Action. Plans to expand the program involve integration into sport federations’ junior nationals. Discussions to this effect with the Zambia Schools Sport Association have been successful and it is projected that in the proposed roll-out phase more than 1,000 teachers in 72 district sport associations and that all national (inter-provincial and inter-schools nationals) will benefit from Olympic Values education.

The first Olympic Youth Development Centre (OYDC) under the IOC’s Sport for Hope Programme was officially opened in May 2010. The multi-purpose sports complex is a great addition to the local population and will also enrich multi-cultural dialogue through the running of international youth camps such as the IOC-UNODC Global Sports Fund Youth Camp.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Develop an implementation structure for OVEP programs.
2. Integrate OVEP into Olympic and other national sport structures
3. Training of OVEP activity leaders.
4. Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of good practices.

##### Project implementation 1 (Sensitization/engagement of stakeholders in OVEP):

To disseminate OVEP to 10 districts, 10,000 Youth & 100,000 Adults in 2010 by integration of OVEP into NOA, schools, sports clubs, NGOs.

##### Project outcomes 1:


1. The NOA, 22 schools, 3 NGOs and 94 community youth teams have integrated OVEP into their educational programmes.
2. Implementation: 39 schools have made an OVEP implementation plan for 2010.

##### Project implementation 2 (training for sports teachers/coaches, peer leaders/coaches):

1. To equip 120 Teachers, 70 Coaches and 200 Peer Leaders with knowledge on integration of OVEP by training participants in 3 different levels of trainer skills.
2. To influence parents and teachers at targeted schools on their role in changing thought processes towards Olympic Values by holding quarterly forums in all selected schools on OVEP, the benefits for children, the role of parents and teachers, and the eventual conflict between OV versus cultural values.

##### Project outcomes 2:

1. 350 OVEP leaders have been trained to integrate life skills into games and sport and are conducting OVEP sessions now.
2. 400 Parents and Teachers were involved and provide a supportive environment; the children exposed testify positive changes in family environment.

##### Project implementation 3 (provide an OV platform through fun, learning and interaction):

1. To hold weekly OV sessions at schools and sport training sessions by OVEP leaders.
2. Organize group discussions/quizzes, also including children not-in-sport.
3. Organize OV skills ‘Challenge’ events for 400 children in 6 disciplines (football, basketball, traditional games, volleyball, netball, education quiz).

##### Project outcomes 3.

1. Children are enjoying the sport and experience a supportive environment, make friends, became healthier and active.
2. Children cope better with everyday life challenges, interact better with other communities.
3. Teachers are better motivated and have more interaction.
4. School managers encourage OVEP and the use of sport with a positive attitude.

##### Project implementation 4 (monitoring):

Progression of OVEP project and the response by target audience.

1. Response of children 6-18 years; involved vs. not involved.
2. Parent and Teacher involvement in implementation.
3. Policymaker involvement (school managers).

##### Project outcomes:

Results by observation and questionnaire:

1. Verbal expression improved in sport and day-to-day life.
2. Teachers state that OV input is easy to incorporate through sport, thereby building confidence in children.
3. Children more respectful in family situations and better motivated when tasks are asked from them.

#### Zimbabwe

##### Background

Much work at the policy decision making level and the building of a sound national foundation in respect to OVEP has been achieved. An environment conducive to OVEP implementation has been developed through joint collaboration with the NOC and Zimbabwe Olympic Academy (ZOA) via sensitization workshops. Proposals for further implementation involving cross border activities with Zimbabwe are also being looked into. In the planning it has been proposed that a series of Train the Trainer workshops be run with a projected outcome of 80 trainers trained.

The spreading of Olympism and Olympic Education through the teaching of Olympic Values is set to increase, as implementing agents are being identified in other Provinces for ZOA activities.

##### OVEP Project objectives:

1. Teaching Olympic Values in a socially acceptable manner.
2. Identify trainers from all provinces and institutional strategic leaders.
3. Trained participants to execute knowledge in their home provinces.
4. Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of good practices.

##### Project implementation:

1. Train the Trainer Workshop:
a. With budgetary help of Olympic Solidarity, identification of participants in a national perspective.
b. Thirty participants selected in schools, communities and national associations, with help of provincial educators, local governments, Sport & Recreation Commission.
c. Workshop participants: 20 from provinces via Ministry (♂ & ♀), 4: welfare & sport officers, 4: National Sports Associations, 2: NOC & Sport & Recreation Commission.
d. Workshop took place on July 10-12, 2009, with interactive theory and practice lectures.

2. Enforcing the ZOA capacities:
a. A new ZOA Director was hired to incorporate the OVEP program and a new Board of ZOA is being formed.
b. Implementation of OVEP methodology in the school programme has been initiated.
c. Identification of corporate partners is required to cover budgetary gaps.

##### Project follow-up (Post Workshop):

1. Most Trainers trained conduct workshops, securing a roll-out
2. Resources remain a problem for further progress.
3. Trainers must improve their coordination and networking levels.
4. A continuing education after initial training is required.
5. Evaluation underlined the need to improve trainers’ knowledge on OVEP, to customize OVEP literature and to ensure monitoring and evaluation.
6. Timely submission of work plans needs to be enforced.


Associated Schools (ASPnet)

##### Background

An IOC-UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) Joint Initiative was launched within the framework of “Teaching Olympic Values”. The sub-regional training workshop for ASPnet National Coordinators, teachers, youth leaders and curriculum specialists was hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago National Commission for UNESCO. ASPnet National Coordinators and teachers from six Caribbean countries of: Barbados, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago were present.

The National Olympic Committee of Trinidad and Tobago also co-organized and participated to this pilot project event. The NOC’s Olympic education programme “Shape the Community” Sport Development Project underlining Olympic values education has been well underway since 2008 and has a reach of over 3,000 children within three surrounding communities.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. To promote Values Education at school level, with a focus on the 5 values presented in the OVEP toolkit.
2. To process the implementation of the OVEP toolkit through the ASPnet laboratory by conducting a school experiment in the Caribbean.
3. Organize ASPnet Teacher and Coordinator workshops with presentation of the toolkit and elaboration of impact assessment tools.
4. Presentation of an evaluation survey to assess the impact of values education in primary and secondary schools.

##### Workshop objectives:

1. Provide participants with the necessary knowledge on the structure and content of the OVEP toolkit.
2. Elaborate assessment tools for primary and secondary schools on the integration of Olympic values in the education programme.
3. To plan school experiments over the 2010-2011 school year.
4. Draft recommendations for adaptation of the OVEP kit in the Caribbean context.
5. Complete survey data to be conducted at the end of the experimentation phase.

##### Project implementation:

1. Participants: 30 from 6 Caribbean countries, 6 ASPnet coordinators, 19 ASPnet teachers and sport coaches, 1 curriculum planner, 1 university teacher coach, 2 UNESCO staff, 1 IOC staff, 1 NOC staff, 5 national UNESCO Commission.
2. Presentation of OVEP toolkit, with a focus on (i) Joy of effort, (ii) Respect, (iii) Fair Play, (iv) Pursuit of Excellence, (v) Balance between body, will and mind.
3. Elaboration of assessment tools for (i) practicing the activities proposed in the toolkit, (ii) suggesting new activities, (iii) monitoring by questionnaire.
4. Preparation of monitoring and planning.
5. Creating commitment for participation in 2010-2011 school experimentation.
6. Joint declaration of commitment.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Participants trained on structure and content of toolkit.
2. A final report was drafted by participants.
3. Joint declaration of commitment signed by all participants.
4. Global planning for OVEP experimentation 2010-2011 has been detailed.
5. First generation of assessment tools decided upon.
6. Suggestions made for roll-out in other Caribbean countries.
7. Data collection instruments have been fine-tuned.
8. Video material is ready.

##### Project recommendations:

1. To finalize assessment tools for pre- and post-experimentation with education planners, statisticians and elected teachers and ASPnet coordinators.
2. Carry out applied research on the current vales education in the 6 participating countries.
3. To pursue research on basic socio-economic facts in the region.
4. To post workshop outcomes on the ASPnet website.
5. To collect from participants data to establish a working and monitoring platform for the school experimentation.
6. To identify a valid study sample, in terms of participating classes and students.

### Annex B: OVEP Country Implementation

#### Australia

##### Background

Olympic education and the Olympics have always stolen the hearts of the Australian population. The NOC education programmes and aims are implemented by using the Olympic sport traditions and values as the context for teaching life values and life skills. The promotion of the Olympic spirit and values to the wider community is performed through established education programs: (i) Live Clean Play Clean – delivered by young Olympians; (ii) Pierre de Coubertin Awards – open to all senior secondary school students across Australia and (iii) the A.S.P.I.R.E. school network.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Using the Olympic sport traditions and values as the context for teaching life values and skills.
2. Educating young athletes on the moral, ethical and physical reasons for not taking performance-enhancing drugs.
3. Through the Coubertin Awards, select students who demonstrate attributes of fair play and respect for others.
4. Involve the community and stakeholders (NOC, Ministry of Education, Universities, Youth Council, IOC and IFs).
5. A.S.P.I.R.E. School Network (ASN) founded on the Australian Olympic Team’s set of values, namely: attitude, sportsmanship, pride, individual responsibility, respect and express yourself, which is the Australian Olympic Committee’s national education program for primary educators designed to instill in young Australians an appreciation for the values, spirit and philosophy of the Olympic Movement. This comprehensive programme organizes Olympic related activities such as on-line video conferencing providing the opportunity for primary school children to talk with Olympians, Olympic Day Celebration, BK Zone – website for primary students containing fun, interactive educational activities themed around the Olympic Games and Olympic Village Art. Primary students are invited to decorate the Australian section of the Olympic Village (AOC) received over 2,000 pieces of artwork from 100 schools for the Beijing Games).

##### Project implementation:

1. Coubertin Awards: open to all senior students, 779 awarded in 2008.
2. Village Art – Students are invited to deliver a literature or artistic piece of work for the Olympic Games.
3. More than 24,500 ASPIRE teachers registered since 2006.
4. A.S.P.I.R.E. activities: Learn from a Champ, Chat to a Champ, Olympic Day and Village Art, BK Zone and Medallion.
5. Fit OVEP in with Higher Council for Youth activities.
6. Cross-curriculum lectures for primary teachers with focus on the upcoming Olympic Games.
7. On-line Olympic Resources emphasizing Olympic values, literacy and numeracy skills, information and communication technology, active lifestyles and community links.

##### Project follow-up:

As part of the AOC OVEP implementation plan, the toolkit will be distributed to schools participating in the Pierre de Coubertin Awards, State and Federal Departments of Education (8,000 schools and 14,850 teachers registered) and State Olympic Councils (7 SOCs in total).

One of the key challenges pinpointed by the AOC for OVEP implementation is that there is no established uniform national curriculum in the country.

#### Federated States of Micronesia

##### Background

Keeping in mind the agreed commitment of the Regional Seminar in Fiji to prioritize youth empowerment and participation, the Young Educator Promoting Olympic Values (YEPOV) initiative was brought forward by the NOC. The objectives of the project are to: promote OV to Micronesia schools through the Junior Sport Program, increase the number of Micronesia youth interested in participating in sport, to train Micronesia youth and have them share the Olympic Movement with their peers, improve the quality of life of the youth of Micronesia.

Nineteen schools were targeted for this initiative and the project was launched in January 2010. Funding was obtained through the Olympic Solidarity World Programmes. This project is an example of good practices and joint collaboration of a larger experienced NOC lending a hand to one of her smaller counterparts.

##### OVEP workshop objectives:

1. Mentoring of young people, Education and Healthy Lifestyles.
2. Sharing experiences of the Youth Olympic Games.
3. The Role of the Olympic Movement.
4. A positive reinforcement of the Olympic Values and the value of sport.

##### Project implementation:

1. A selection of best students and teachers took place.
2. Endorsement by the participating schools.
3. OVEP objectives shared and incorporated with physical exercise.
4. Financial support received from Olympic Solidarity; material resource support received from the IOC Department of International Cooperation and Development.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Excellent teamwork in the organization of the workshop.
2. Students of Youth Camps and YOG gave presentations.
3. High level of satisfaction in participant evaluation.
4. Exposed schools are already implementing OVs in their programme.
5. Involved NOCs will assist students to follow-up on school activities.

##### Project recommendations:

1. Project will be continued at 2010 High School Track & Field Championships
2. Concept of Youth promoting OVs should be extended through other seminars.
3. The Women & Sport Committees in Oceania could organize such workshops.
4. ONOC to be involved in proposal for OV workshops with senior students.

#### India

##### Background

The introduction of the OVEP programme augured well with the Presidential launch in Pune (October 2008). In the early part of 2010, an IOC National “Train the Trainers” workshop comprised of 35 State Olympic Associations (28 states and 7 union territories) took place. The Delhi Public Schools (DPS) with a student intake of 10,000 was utilized for the “hands-on” practicum availed to the participants during the course of the workshop.

The NOC is committed to the OVEP programme and developing sport diversity at the grassroots level. It was agreed that OVEP would be part of the activities of the Indian National Club Games that will target 800,000 clubs in the country. Roll-out post workshop on a grassroots level is being implemented via the respective State Olympic Associations (SOAs).

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Update participants on OVEP and the Education Toolkit.
2. To offer the OVEP learning and teaching theories.
3. Discuss implementation of OVEP in schools, universities and sport organizations.
4. Create a platform of leaders in schools and communities.
5. Select coaches to instruct OVEP leaders.
6. Involve rural children by providing an opportunity for participation.

##### Project implementation:

1. Creation of a master list of students’ expectations for feedback purposes.
2. Curriculum theory and toolkit analysis.
3. Learning as an active and interactive process (English and Hindi).
4. Learning in group discussions, creative activities, simulations, writing skills.
5. OVEP implementation and concept given to teaching coaches.
6. Motivate coaches to spread the concept to a ‘second’ layer of teachers.
7. Motivate these teachers to involve youth in the learning concept.
8. Nine target areas have been selected for the project.
9. One year of preparation, three years of OVEP implementation.
10. Core OVEP group; Project Directors & Coordinator, (Master) Trainers, Teachers & School Administrators, Performing Artists, Film Makers, University Students & Sportspersons, NGO Volunteers.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Olympic Values: Theory, content and methodology comprehended by students.
2. Toolkit: structure and content comprehended by students.
3. Participation 28 students (teachers 4, professors 5, Parent Advisory Committee 1, NOC officials 4, Sport organizations 14).
4. Implementation of OVEP in educational, sport and youth groups settings.
5. Feedback on resources.
6. Extend OVEP to other countries.

##### Project recommendations:

1. To adapt lecture-oriented, textbook teachers to a programme of physical activity.
2. Practicality of the toolkit in a multi-faceted setting.
3. Establish networking with other global similar projects.
4. University involvement required now to increase the impact.

##### Project assessment:

1. Endless support of staff, IOC and NOC very valuable.
2. Engagement of participants in activities and exercises positive.
3. Flexibility in regard to programme required.
4. Transparency in ideas between participants very helpful.

#### New Zealand

##### Background

For a number of years, the New Zealand Olympic Committee (NZOC) in collaboration with the New Zealand Olympic Academy (NZOA) have been very active in producing educational resources targeted at primary/secondary school levels and inclusion of Olympic education as a classroom-based activity in physical education training curriculum. The Ministry of Education and other key agencies on a country level are involved in this educational context.

The NOC has recently put in place dedicated staff in the form of a full-time Olympic Educator (participant to OVEP Fiji Workshop). The NZOC and NZOA have started to incorporate OVEP into digital education resources for primary schools and at university level. Academic courses on Olympism are now available. IT resources are accessible for free, together with the OVEP manual; this educational process is being channeled through Lift Education, an educational publishing company. This approach is in line with the NZOC Strategic Plan 2010-2013.

##### OVEP project objectives 1 (OVEP incorporation in schools and universities):

1. To promote awareness, engagement and modeling of the educational values of Olympism in the NZL educational system.
2. Develop the Olympism education knowledge base in physical education, sport education and sport coaching.
3. Offer OVEP to the Oceania region as opportunities for teachers.
4. Set up a research culture on Olympism (integrating OVEP) at university level.

##### Project implementation:

1. Olympism and OVEP have been included into the university curriculum of physical education students (University of Canterbury).
2. The above-mentioned University has also integrated OVEP into the education programme for sport coaching.
3. Specific courses on Olympism, Education and Sport and PhD courses in Olympic Studies are in the picture.

##### Project outcomes:

1. The Regional Seminar held in Fiji has exposed many participants to OVEP.
2. Resources and lack of curriculum time form barriers for dissemination.
3. Recommendations were sent to relevant Ministries of Education.
4. Other regional universities have been contacted. At least 3 professional development sessions for physical education teachers took place with an exposure of 200 delegates.
5. University staff have participated in a number of conferences.
6. Platforms created with other academic institutions, funding still a bottleneck.
7. Centre for Olympic studies developed at university level in NZL.

##### Project Recommendations:

1. The initiatives developed in NZL need to spread further in Oceania.
2. ONOC solidarity funding yet not available.
3. For funding beyond NZL university budgets required.
4. Strong, well-resourced leadership for Oceania is required.

##### Project follow-up:

1. Refresher courses for trainers must be organized.
2. Duplication must be avoided by a standardized monitoring and evaluation system.
3. Resources must be secured by initiating corporate partnerships.
4. Majority of trainers follow up with conducting workshops.
5. Trainers must improve their coordination and expand networking.

##### OVEP project objectives 2 (Living the Olympic Values):

1. Target group: primary school students, age 8 – 12 years.
2. Offer interactive digital education resources to primary schools.
3. Tone and technology must be engaging to youth, with a link to English, Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education.
4. Development of a promotional web development plan, focus on awareness of and demand for OV based educational resources.

##### Project implementation:

1. IT Texts are available for free with accompanying teaching notes.
2. Information on Olympism, the NZL curriculum and Resources.
3. Available texts: Olympic Values, Olympic Games, Giving it Everything, Determined to Succeed.
4. Funding was secured through NZOC, NZOA and Olympic Solidarity.
5. Corporate sponsorship currently being sought.
6. A new Board of NZOA is being formed.

#### Singapore

##### Background

In view of the inaugural 2010 Youth Olympic Games the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) in collaboration with the National Olympic Academy (SOA) launched a training workshop directed to the theme of equipping and training educators for the Olympic Values Education Programme.

Under the banner of the 2009 SOA 16th Annual International Session for Young Participants, the Academy built a core group of Olympic Education champions in the Asian continent and Singapore. The Continental Association was on board and collaborated with the NOC in this initiative.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. To promote OVEP to NOCs and NOAs in the region.
2. To equip Olympic educators with knowledge and skills to deliver OVEP in their respective countries.
3. To develop a core group of Olympic Education Leaders, in view of the 2010 YOG in Singapore.

##### Project implementation:

1. Prior to Opening Ceremony a dialogue with 12 SIN Olympians was organized.
2. Olympic history and toolkit analysis.
3. Discussion in working groups on values such as peace, excellence, respect, teamwork, environment, etc.
4. Design of flags and the concept behind flag and ceremony symbolism.
5. Cultural presentations, local as well as international.
6. Simulations of the OG Opening Ceremony
7. An interactive Meet the Olympians’ session.
8. Sharing of national experiences on Olympic Education.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Very positive interaction between participants during workshop days.
2. Successful workshop as judged by the responding participants.
3. A total number of 116 participants with diverse representations.
4. Implementation of OVEP for children and youth appreciated by participants.

#### Tanzania

##### Background

Negotiations with the Ministry of Education to integrate OVEP on a national scale within the context of the school curriculum is hoped to be realized in the upcoming 2009/2010 academic year. The capital (Dar-es-Salaam) has a population of 4 million with a national population of 40+ million. Two workshops per year comprising 30 participants per session would have a high project impact taking into consideration the ripple effect. In order to empower youth, an OVEP Youth Ambassadors programme and the organization of a youth Olympic Festival is being developed by the OVEP Regional Coordinator.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Train 30 physical education leaders from Tanzania.
2. Train 30 physical education leaders from Zanzibar.
3. Create an Olympic Education and Leadership Youth Camp.

##### Project implementation:

1. OVEP presentations were given in schools and school revisits are underway.
2. Workshop on Olympic Values Education held for 30 Women Sports leaders.
3. OVEP presentation held during East African Women Sports Journalists Forum.
4. OVEP presentation given during IOA in Olympia (117 Directors of NOAs).
5. Two day session on volunteerism for 30 young students at TOC headquarters.
6. Training of 150 students on providing Volunteer services during the Queen’s Baton Relay.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Trained students will act as coordinators during Youth Camps.
2. Report author took part in IOA Masters Course.

##### Project follow-up:

1. A proposal was submitted and approved for OVEP training 30 Physical Education Teachers (Sep 2010).
2. A proposal was submitted and approved for the training of 30 Physical Education Teachers in Zanzibar (Nov 2010).
3. A proposal has been submitted to Olympic Solidarity for funding for an International Olympic Education and Leadership Youth Camp (Nov 2010).

#### Zambia

The programme has support from the Ministry of Education, UNICEP (London 2012 International Inspirational project), NOC of Zambia, Sport for Youth and Sport in Action. Plans to expand the program involve integration into sport federations’ junior nationals. Discussions to this effect with the Zambia Schools Sport Association have been successful and it is projected that in the proposed roll-out phase more than 1,000 teachers in 72 district sport associations and that all national (inter-provincial and inter-schools nationals) will benefit from Olympic Values education.

The first Olympic Youth Development Centre (OYDC) under the IOC’s Sport for Hope Programme was officially opened in May 2010. The multi-purpose sports complex is a great addition to the local population and will also enrich multi-cultural dialogue through the running of international youth camps such as the IOC-UNODC Global Sports Fund Youth Camp.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. Develop an implementation structure for OVEP programs.
2. Integrate OVEP into Olympic and other national sport structures
3. Training of OVEP activity leaders.
4. Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of good practices.

##### Project implementation 1 (Sensitization/engagement of stakeholders in OVEP):

To disseminate OVEP to 10 districts, 10,000 Youth & 100,000 Adults in 2010 by integration of OVEP into NOA, schools, sports clubs, NGOs.

##### Project outcomes 1:


1. The NOA, 22 schools, 3 NGOs and 94 community youth teams have integrated OVEP into their educational programmes.
2. Implementation: 39 schools have made an OVEP implementation plan for 2010.

##### Project implementation 2 (training for sports teachers/coaches, peer leaders/coaches):

1. To equip 120 Teachers, 70 Coaches and 200 Peer Leaders with knowledge on integration of OVEP by training participants in 3 different levels of trainer skills.
2. To influence parents and teachers at targeted schools on their role in changing thought processes towards Olympic Values by holding quarterly forums in all selected schools on OVEP, the benefits for children, the role of parents and teachers, and the eventual conflict between OV versus cultural values.

##### Project outcomes 2:

1. 350 OVEP leaders have been trained to integrate life skills into games and sport and are conducting OVEP sessions now.
2. 400 Parents and Teachers were involved and provide a supportive environment; the children exposed testify positive changes in family environment.

##### Project implementation 3 (provide an OV platform through fun, learning and interaction):

1. To hold weekly OV sessions at schools and sport training sessions by OVEP leaders.
2. Organize group discussions/quizzes, also including children not-in-sport.
3. Organize OV skills ‘Challenge’ events for 400 children in 6 disciplines (football, basketball, traditional games, volleyball, netball, education quiz).

##### Project outcomes 3.

1. Children are enjoying the sport and experience a supportive environment, make friends, became healthier and active.
2. Children cope better with everyday life challenges, interact better with other communities.
3. Teachers are better motivated and have more interaction.
4. School managers encourage OVEP and the use of sport with a positive attitude.

##### Project implementation 4 (monitoring):

Progression of OVEP project and the response by target audience.

1. Response of children 6-18 years; involved vs. not involved.
2. Parent and Teacher involvement in implementation.
3. Policymaker involvement (school managers).

##### Project outcomes:

Results by observation and questionnaire:

1. Verbal expression improved in sport and day-to-day life.
2. Teachers state that OV input is easy to incorporate through sport, thereby building confidence in children.
3. Children more respectful in family situations and better motivated when tasks are asked from them.

#### Zimbabwe

##### Background

Much work at the policy decision making level and the building of a sound national foundation in respect to OVEP has been achieved. An environment conducive to OVEP implementation has been developed through joint collaboration with the NOC and Zimbabwe Olympic Academy (ZOA) via sensitization workshops. Proposals for further implementation involving cross border activities with Zimbabwe are also being looked into. In the planning it has been proposed that a series of Train the Trainer workshops be run with a projected outcome of 80 trainers trained.

The spreading of Olympism and Olympic Education through the teaching of Olympic Values is set to increase, as implementing agents are being identified in other Provinces for ZOA activities.

##### OVEP Project objectives:

1. Teaching Olympic Values in a socially acceptable manner.
2. Identify trainers from all provinces and institutional strategic leaders.
3. Trained participants to execute knowledge in their home provinces.
4. Monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of good practices.

##### Project implementation:

1. Train the Trainer Workshop:
a. With budgetary help of Olympic Solidarity, identification of participants in a national perspective.
b. Thirty participants selected in schools, communities and national associations, with help of provincial educators, local governments, Sport & Recreation Commission.
c. Workshop participants: 20 from provinces via Ministry (♂ & ♀), 4: welfare & sport officers, 4: National Sports Associations, 2: NOC & Sport & Recreation Commission.
d. Workshop took place on July 10-12, 2009, with interactive theory and practice lectures.

2. Enforcing the ZOA capacities:
a. A new ZOA Director was hired to incorporate the OVEP program and a new Board of ZOA is being formed.
b. Implementation of OVEP methodology in the school programme has been initiated.
c. Identification of corporate partners is required to cover budgetary gaps.

##### Project follow-up (Post Workshop):

1. Most Trainers trained conduct workshops, securing a roll-out
2. Resources remain a problem for further progress.
3. Trainers must improve their coordination and networking levels.
4. A continuing education after initial training is required.
5. Evaluation underlined the need to improve trainers’ knowledge on OVEP, to customize OVEP literature and to ensure monitoring and evaluation.
6. Timely submission of work plans needs to be enforced.


Associated Schools (ASPnet)

##### Background

An IOC-UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) Joint Initiative was launched within the framework of “Teaching Olympic Values”. The sub-regional training workshop for ASPnet National Coordinators, teachers, youth leaders and curriculum specialists was hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago National Commission for UNESCO. ASPnet National Coordinators and teachers from six Caribbean countries of: Barbados, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago were present.

The National Olympic Committee of Trinidad and Tobago also co-organized and participated to this pilot project event. The NOC’s Olympic education programme “Shape the Community” Sport Development Project underlining Olympic values education has been well underway since 2008 and has a reach of over 3,000 children within three surrounding communities.

##### OVEP project objectives:

1. To promote Values Education at school level, with a focus on the 5 values presented in the OVEP toolkit.
2. To process the implementation of the OVEP toolkit through the ASPnet laboratory by conducting a school experiment in the Caribbean.
3. Organize ASPnet Teacher and Coordinator workshops with presentation of the toolkit and elaboration of impact assessment tools.
4. Presentation of an evaluation survey to assess the impact of values education in primary and secondary schools.

##### Workshop objectives:

1. Provide participants with the necessary knowledge on the structure and content of the OVEP toolkit.
2. Elaborate assessment tools for primary and secondary schools on the integration of Olympic values in the education programme.
3. To plan school experiments over the 2010-2011 school year.
4. Draft recommendations for adaptation of the OVEP kit in the Caribbean context.
5. Complete survey data to be conducted at the end of the experimentation phase.

##### Project implementation:

1. Participants: 30 from 6 Caribbean countries, 6 ASPnet coordinators, 19 ASPnet teachers and sport coaches, 1 curriculum planner, 1 university teacher coach, 2 UNESCO staff, 1 IOC staff, 1 NOC staff, 5 national UNESCO Commission.
2. Presentation of OVEP toolkit, with a focus on (i) Joy of effort, (ii) Respect, (iii) Fair Play, (iv) Pursuit of Excellence, (v) Balance between body, will and mind.
3. Elaboration of assessment tools for (i) practicing the activities proposed in the toolkit, (ii) suggesting new activities, (iii) monitoring by questionnaire.
4. Preparation of monitoring and planning.
5. Creating commitment for participation in 2010-2011 school experimentation.
6. Joint declaration of commitment.

##### Project outcomes:

1. Participants trained on structure and content of toolkit.
2. A final report was drafted by participants.
3. Joint declaration of commitment signed by all participants.
4. Global planning for OVEP experimentation 2010-2011 has been detailed.
5. First generation of assessment tools decided upon.
6. Suggestions made for roll-out in other Caribbean countries.
7. Data collection instruments have been fine-tuned.
8. Video material is ready.

##### Project recommendations:

1. To finalize assessment tools for pre- and post-experimentation with education planners, statisticians and elected teachers and ASPnet coordinators.
2. Carry out applied research on the current vales education in the 6 participating countries.
3. To pursue research on basic socio-economic facts in the region.
4. To post workshop outcomes on the ASPnet website.
5. To collect from participants data to establish a working and monitoring platform for the school experimentation.
6. To identify a valid study sample, in terms of participating classes and students.

2015-10-22T23:43:49-05:00February 7th, 2011|Contemporary Sports Issues, Sports Facilities, Sports Management|Comments Off on Olympic Values Education Programme (OVEP) Progress Report: 2005-2010

International Olympic Academy Master’s Degree Program Specifications

Introducing an Olympic Movement innovation, in collaboration with the Department of Sports Organization and Management of the University of Peloponnese (UOP), Sparta, the International Olympic Academy (IOA) now offers a Master’s Degree Scholarship Program for the Academic year of 2010-2011. The course title is, “Olympic Studies, Olympic Education, Organization and Management of Olympic Events.”

The program’s philosophy is consistent with the values of the Olympic movement aimed at worldwide diffusion of the Olympic ideal, global participation, and promotion of knowledge and research in Olympic issues. Grounded in Olympism and Olympic Pedagogy, the academics are based on the three pillars of the Olympic Movement: Education, Sports, and Culture.

### Objectives

– To provide students with specialized knowledge at a postgraduate level on issues related to Olympic Studies, as well as the necessary skills for their academic, professional, or research careers.
– To promote knowledge and research on issues of Olympic philosophy and education, and on organization and management of Olympic Games, big athletic events, and general Olympic and athletic studies.
– To provide a specialized workforce that will organize and direct Olympic and athletic institutions, promote the growth of international Olympic education programs, and contribute to the creation of a scientific basis for the growth and organization of sports.

### Applications

A limit of thirty students may be admitted to the Master’s Degree Program in these categories: degree holders from Greek and foreign higher educational institutions, preferably the officials of National Olympic Academies, National Olympic Committees, the International Olympic Committee, and EU Committees for Education, Culture, and Sport; or graduates of Centers for Olympic Studies, Schools of Sports Organization and Management, Physical Education, Journalism, Economic Faculties, and other Departments; corresponding Departments of recognized institutions of equivalent status in Greece and abroad; along with degree holders from Technology Institute Departments in related subject areas.

### Location and Duration of the Program

The program will take place at the facilities of the International Olympic Academy in Olympia, Greece, and the facilities of the University of Peloponnese in Sparta.

The duration of the program is three semesters. Students are required to attend two semesters of lectures in Greece. The third semester is done at the student’s place of choice. The first academic semester, lasting nine weeks, will start in mid-September 2010. Exact dates will be announced. Second semester dates will be set by the UOP and the IOA.

### Teaching Program

Attendance by all students at all lectures is mandatory. Submission of a dissertation project at the end of the 3rd semester, and of module assignments and examinations at the end of each semester, will determine a participant’s success in this program.

#### 1st Semester

##### Mandatory Modules

The Birth of Sports: History and Philosophy of Sport in Antiquity

– The modern Olympic Games – revival, historic development of Olympic Summer and Winter Games – social, political, and cultural aspects of the Games – Olympic institutions – Olympic law
– Sport and ethics – the Olympic Philosophy
– Olympic Pedagogy I: Olympic education school programs development, implementation

##### Optional Modules (Student to select one from below.)

– The role, organization, and operation of Olympic museums and libraries
– Financial management of sports organizations
– International relations and humanitarian law

#### 2nd Semester

##### Mandatory Modules

– Olympic Pedagogy II: Olympic education school programs development, implementation
– Evaluation of Olympic education programs, research methodology
– Olympic Games Organization and Management (technology, media, financial management, communication, etc.)
– Olympic sponsoring and marketing

##### Optional Modules (Student selects one.)

– Special Olympic Movement issues: media – technology and Olympic Games, doping, fair play, racism and sport, intercultural education, volunteerism, etc.
– Strategic and operational planning of major sports events

#### 3rd semester

##### Master’s Thesis

Preparation, submission, and presentation of Master’s Thesis (All lectures in English)

### Fees, Costs, and Documents Required

The Master’s Program is privately financed by the John S. Latsis Foundation; therefore, no course fee or accommodation costs will be incurred by the students.

Application documents required are

– application form;
– certified copy of diploma or degree with detailed marks;
– curriculum vitae (CV) of the applicant; and
– two recommendation letters, one that is required to originate from a university professor; and a second letter, preferably from the National Olympic Academy, the National Olympic Committee, or any other athletic organization.

2013-11-25T17:14:03-06:00September 9th, 2010|Sports Facilities, Sports Management, Sports Studies and Sports Psychology|Comments Off on International Olympic Academy Master’s Degree Program Specifications

Closing Address

Dear participants and friends, with the conclusion of the works of the 10th Joint International Session for Presidents or Directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees, I would like to express my gratitude for your presence in the International Olympic Academy and my conviction regarding our future cooperation for the propagation of the Olympic Education and the management of crisis and challenges in the sports world and the Olympic Movement.

The National Olympic Academies and the National Olympic Committees constitute the two pillars for the cultivation and the dissemination of the Olympic Ideal in cooperation with the International Olympic Academy and the International Olympic Committee. As Henry Tandau aptly mentioned in this room, you are “the key players in the development and spread of Olympic Education,” and we must have a common perception and try to reinforce the communication for the realization of Olympic Educational and Training Programs all around the world.

We all have to realize that, in order to achieve this goal, the broader Olympic Family has to be constantly prepared. The role of the National Olympic Committees is significant for the work of the National Olympic Academies. The differences in their structures and operations should not affect, but, on the contrary, they should strengthen the common goals mentioned before.

Dear friends, I believe that the sacredness of Ancient Olympia where we are and the humanistic ideas of the Olympic Movement are the elements that will reinforce the coherence for the future course of the National Olympic Academies and the National Olympic Committees. In an era dominated by individualism and cruel economic and social competition, one could say that the topics that we discussed in this Session could probably be considered by some as utopian.

However, your presence here, the interest you all showed through your presentations, and the conclusions of the discussion groups prove the opposite. Due to my necessary absence, I didn’t have the opportunity to attend the presentations of the 26 National Olympic Academies. Nevertheless, my colleagues inform me that there is a constant and unceasing effort of continuous activities by the Olympic Academies that prove that there is will, intention, and vision.

The contemporary societies desperately need ideas and people with vision. Let us keep a vivid memory of the beauty of the landscape and of the ideas of Ancient Olympia, and let’s join our forces for the achievement of the common goals. Where there is no track, let’s trace it together as we walk. Because otherwise, “it is not only for what we do that we are held responsible, but also for what we do not do,” according to the famous words of the French dramatist, Moliere.

Dear friends, I would like to thank you all personally, both the exceptional lecturers as well as the participants, for your contributions to this session. I wish you all a safe trip back home, and I reassure you that, as IOA President, I will always unconditionally support your work.

### The Olympic Anthem

Immortal spirit of antiquity, Father of the true, beautiful, and good,
Descend, appear, shed over us they light, upon this ground and under this sky
Which has first witnessed thy unperishable fame.
Give life and animation to those noble games!
Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors in the race and in the strife!
Create in our breasts, hearts of steel!
In thy light, plains, mountains, and seas, shine in a roseate hue and form a vast temple
To which all nations throng to adore thee, oh, immortal spirit of antiquity!

2013-11-25T17:16:14-06:00September 9th, 2010|Sports Coaching, Sports Management, Sports Studies and Sports Psychology|Comments Off on Closing Address

Introduction to the International Olympic Academy

Olympia, Greece

International Olympic Academy in Olympia, Greece

### IOA Today

The International Olympic Academy (IOA) established in Olympia, Greece, serves a multi-national community as an International Academic Centre for Olympic Studies. It is an outstanding academic resource for students and researchers around the globe. Run by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Greek government, the IOA makes available a broad spectrum of educational programs and studies aimed at disseminating the vision of Olympism.

In February 2010, in collaboration with the Department of Sports Organization and Management of the University of Peloponnese (UOP) in Sparta, the IOA announced their new Master’s Degree Program titled, Olympic Studies, Olympic Education, Organization, and Management of Olympic Events. The program is constructed on the three pillars of Olympism, Education, Sports, and Culture. Prospective students can access information on the programs through the National Olympic Academy (NOA) of their home country. Students may also contact the Secretary of the IOA Master Program by telephone at 30-210-6878952, or by email at ioa-ms@uop.gr. Applications may be sent directly to the following address: Dr. K. Georgiadis, Program Director; Postgraduate Studies Program U.O.P. 52; Dimitrios Vikelas Avenue 152 33 Halandri; Athens, Greece.


Participants in the 10th Joint International Session for Presidents or Directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees gather in front of the International Olympic Academy.

International conferences on topics related to Olympism are often held on the idyllic grounds at Ancient Olympia. The Olympic Solidarity organization in Lausanne, Switzerland, offers a variety of scholarship funds for many IOA studies and projects. The new Master’s Degree Program, limited to 30 students, is privately funded by the John S. Latsis Foundation, and no costs are charged to the students for its course fees and accommodations. The duration of the program is three semesters, two of which take place in Greece at the International Olympic Academy. Participants in IOA seminars must be fluent in at least one of the three official languages, Greek, French, and English.

Based on Olympic ideals, IOA educational programs not only benefit individual students, but also have the potential to help raise the standards of global interaction among countries for years to come. In May 2010, at the 10th Joint International Session, the presenters basked in the historic power of Ancient Olympia and added their words and hopes to the distinguished voices of the ages. You are invited to share the information and join the international dialogue on the spread of Olympism through education. Authorized by the IOC, the presentations are offered for public study in this unique edition of _The Sport Journal_.

### IOA History

Officially inaugurated on 14 June 1961, the IOA initially limited its function to organizing the International Session for Young Participants. In 1967, an IOC commission was created to coordinate relations among the IOA, the Olympic Movement, and Olympic Solidarity. This same year, the first permanent premises for the IOA were constructed at the site of Ancient Olympia.

Temple of Hera

The Temple of Hera is one of the oldest monumental temples in Ancient Greece. The modern day Olympic torch is lit just as it was in ancient times, at the Temple of Hera.

By 1970, the educational programs of the IOA had expanded to cover all aspects of the Olympic Movement. Special sessions for institutions involved with Olympism were established, including National Olympic Committees (NOC), National Olympic Academies (NOA), International Sport Federations (FIEP), Sport Medical Societies, Unions of Coaches, Sports Administrators, and Teachers.

Growing out of ancient Greek civilization, Olympism is a philosophy of life that blends sport, culture, and education to produce a balanced character strong in body, mind, and will. Convening at Ancient Olympia infused with this dramatic lineage is important to the spirit of the conferences, and the campus exerts a profound effect on all who visit and study there.

> “We are in a haven of peace and balance, where centuries remain engraved on the stones… the beauty of the vegetation, and the serenity which pervades this unique place, Olympia, where sport started on its most glorious and finest course.”
> Juan Antonio Samaranch, Former Honorary President of the IOC and IOA; International Olympic Academy, 2009; p. 52

Many of these ancient traditions continue today. Two of the most powerful ceremonies are the laying of wreaths at the monument where Pierre de Coubertin’s heart is buried to honor the man who revived the Ancient Games, and the Lighting of the Olympic Flame to inaugurate the official Olympic Games.

In Ancient Greece, a person needed well-rounded training to be considered cultured. Sport was part of man’s education that aimed at cultivating harmonious intellectual, mental, and physical faculties. Young students were taught art, philosophy, and music, as well as sports, based on the spirit of fair competition and high ethics.

Ceremonial Priestess

An actress dressed as a ceremonial priestess, in the robes of the ancient Greeks, lights the Olympic torch via the same technique used in the original Games.

Held every four years, the Ancient Olympic Games were an integral part of the balanced way of life. With its origins in the mists of Greek mythological tales of gods and goddesses, the honor of victory at the Olympic Games carried sacred blessings and immense prestige. The Olympic Games went through many reversals of fortune due to political changes over the long history. From circa 400 AD to the late 1800s, no organized Olympic Games existed. Then in 1896, Pierre de Coubertin succeeded in reviving the tradition, and the first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens.

In 1927, Coubertin originated the idea for adding an international Olympic academy in his efforts to spread Olympic values. In the IOA, the realization of his vision continues to grow as a result of the dedicated contributions of many people over decades. Now overseen by the IOC, the International Olympic Movement (IOM) has been formed to functionally implement Olympic ideals through a conglomeration of organizations and individuals. Recognizing education as the backbone of the Olympic Movement, the IOC supports the IOA and other institutions devoted to Olympic education.

The current IOA houses many priceless resources, such as an archeological museum, a modern Olympic Games museum, a research library, the Coubertin Grove, and the excavated ruins of Ancient Olympia’s temples, gymnasium, and Sanctuary constructed by Alexander the Great in 338 B.C. These exalted settings, sacred to the Greek god, Zeus, offer a cornucopia of contemporary sports media conferences, research studies, special sessions for dignitaries, gatherings of Olympic medalists, the Olympic Studies Master’s Degree Program, and other courses for international students of the IOA.

> “The Olympic Games are… the only competition in the world… transcending cultural, religious, and political differences, an Image of fraternity and universality.”
> Jacques Rogge, President of the IOC; International Olympic Academy, 2009; p. 68

Olympic Experts

From left: Professor Konstantino Georgiadis, IOA Honorary Dean; Dr. Thomas P. Rosandich, United States Sports Academy President; Mr. Isidoros Kouvelos, IOA President; and Professor Dionyssis Gangas, IOA Director, were among the many Olympic experts who attended the 10th Joint International Session for Presidents or Directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees.

2020-06-02T13:33:14-05:00August 10th, 2010|Contemporary Sports Issues, Sports Management|Comments Off on Introduction to the International Olympic Academy

How to Spread and Develop Joint International Programs about Olympic Education: Cultural and Communication Problems

### Introduction

From its inception, the Modern Olympic Movement has fused education with sport and culture to improve both the body and mind. Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the Modern Olympic Games, crafted a vision of universal education through Olympism, spreading such ideals as discipline, focus, vision, commitment, and persistence.

The Olympic Charter (OC) is the codification of the Fundamental Principles of Olympism, Rules and Bye-Laws adopted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It governs the organisation, action, and operation of the Olympic Movement and sets forth the conditions for the celebration of the Olympic Games. In essence, the Olympic Charter serves three main purposes (IOC, 2007).

* The Olympic Charter, as a basic instrument of a constitutional nature, sets forth and recalls the fundamental principles and essential values of Olympism.
* The Olympic Charter also serves as statutes for the International Olympic Committee.
* In addition, the Olympic Charter defines the main reciprocal rights and obligations of the three main constituents of the Olympic Movement, namely the International Olympic Committee, the International Federations, and the National Olympic Committees, as well as the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games, all of which are required to comply with the Olympic Charter (IOC, 2007).

Fundamental to the understanding of Olympism is its emphasis on an educational mandate. In fact, the “Olympic idea cannot be understood without an understanding of its educational mission” (Gessman, 1992:33). This educational mandate is outlined in several of the Fundamental Principles of the Olympic Charter (Binder, 2005).

The Olympic Charter (2007) states simply the relationship among Olympic philosophy, ethics, and education:

Fundamental Principle 1 and 2 (p11):

1. Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will, and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.
2. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.

This is a values education mandate. Some of the specific, positive values referred to in these principles include a respect for balance in the human character between aspects of mind, body, and spirit, an understanding of the joy found in effort, an emphasis on peaceful behaviour, and respect for others (here described as preservation of human dignity). The principles, while somewhat awkward in their English wording, also include direction for an Olympic pedagogy. That is, the fundamental principles seem to suggest components of a possible teaching and learning strategy. Note the references to such strategies as, “blending sport with culture and education,” setting “good examples,” and encouraging participation in sport as an educational situation in which these values can be developed (Binder, 2005).

### National Olympic Committees

Chapter 4 of the Olympic Charter deals with National Olympic Committees, stating very clearly important duties of NOCs with regard to Olympic education (IOC, 2007, p. 61).

Mission and Role of the NOCs:

1. The mission of the NOCs is to develop, promote, and protect the Olympic Movement in their respective countries, in accordance with the Olympic Charter (IOC, 2007).
2. The NOCs’ role is:

1. to promote the fundamental principles and values of Olympism in their countries, in particular, in the fields of sport and education, by promoting Olympic educational programmes in all levels of schools, sports and physical education institutions and Universities, as well as by encouraging the creation of institutions dedicated to Olympic education, such as National Olympic Academies, Olympic Museums, and other programmes, including cultural, related to the Olympic Movement (IOC, 2007);
2. to ensure the observance of the Olympic Charter in their countries (IOC, 2007).

### National Olympic Academies

National Olympic Academies are an integral part of the International Olympic Academy and the Olympic Movement (Georgiadis, 2008). Georgiadis further elaborates that, once the IOA had begun its activities, a number of important and substantial issues related to its operation and linked to the attainment of its goals came to light. It became obvious that IOA needed support of other organizations in order to respond to the educational requirements of the Olympic Movement.

> Attending lectures during the IOA’s sessions was not considered sufficient to make participants aware of the academy’s mission and their own contribution to it.
> The selection of the participants, their preliminary training, their stay at the International Olympic Academy, and the need to draw upon their knowledge and experience, led to the creation of national centres for Olympic studies in other countries.

Georgiadis goes on to explain that participants in the IOA sessions and seminars now had a point of reference in their own respective countries around which they could rally in order to develop their Olympic education activities in cooperation with IOA.

Georgiadis notes that, in the discussion groups at the IOA’s sessions, the idea of a “National Olympic Academy” is considered as a popular topic. In the same observation, Georgiadis further recounts that, as many Olympic Committees do not comply with their educational obligations in a consistent manner, participants at the sessions have demanded the creation of National Olympic Academies (NOAs) to allow those who attend the sessions of the IOA once they return to their country to become involved in their core activities and operate as the ambassadors of Olympism in their homelands.

Today, 32 years after the establishment of the first National Olympic Academies, the aim of each Olympic Academy is, through Olympic Education programs, to cultivate and disseminate the Olympic Ideal, study and apply the universal education and social principles of the Olympic Movement, in conformity with the Olympic Charter, within the national and cultural boundaries of each National Olympic Committee, in cooperation with the IOA and the IOC.

These aims are achieved by NOAs by the means of programs which they develop themselves in collaboration with the NOC and other sports and educational entities in their country. National Olympic Academies are the IOA’s extensions and operate as transmitters and receivers for the promotion of the Olympic Charter’s ideals through the national Olympic education programs. Each national Olympic Academy must also encourage the practice of sport among all social and age groups and promote the idea of sport as a fundamental human right.

Georgiadis elaborates that “National Olympic Academies operate within the framework of their respective National Olympic Committees and their aims are in harmony with those of the NOCs.” The NOAs are the educational institutions of the NOCs. Even when there are differences in their structures and modes of operation, they must always be placed under the patronage of the NOC within the framework of a single Olympic Movement. It would be very difficult today to define a single system for the operation of NOAs, as there are huge administrative, cultural, and political differences from country to country.

The goal of education – of Olympism – may is summarized in a quote from 2000 by then IOC President, Juan Antonio Samaranch: “Every act of support for the Olympic Movement promotes peace, friendship, and solidarity throughout the world.”

The field of Olympic education has been studied in-depth by numerous international scholars. They have endeavoured to analyze the core of Olympic education so as to avoid the concept of Olympic education being regarded merely as a pool of all highly social and moral values. It is more or less commonly agreed that the idea of Olympic education first and foremost encompasses the long-ranging striving for individual achievement with due respect for the principles of fair play and an increase in a better transnational mutual understanding by supporting processes of intercultural learning.

In the course of the last decades, some scholars have successfully endeavoured to spread the main ideas of Olympic education. The main target groups have been students and pupils. At the International Olympic Academy in Olympia, as well as at conferences organized by various National Olympic Committees, Olympic Academies, and institutes of learning, students are offered the possibility of examining basic ideas of Olympic education.

Frequently the students bring their experience and knowledge back to their home universities in order to integrate them into classes or tutorials. Without doubt, this is a fruitful way to disseminate the central values of Olympic education.

According to Binder, Olympic education in its broadest sense encompasses the workshops and leadership training of Olympic Solidarity, the research and scholarly study of sport historians and sociologists, the public relations efforts of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), its sponsors and its affiliates, as well as the school curricula, handbooks and projects of Olympic Games organizing committees, National Olympic Committees (NOCs), and National Olympic Academies (NOAs). It also encompasses a large variety of initiatives for children and youth (Binder D., 1995).

### International Olympic Academy

The International Olympic Academy functions as a multicultural interdisciplinary centre that aims at studying, enriching, and promoting Olympism. The foundation of such an institution was inspired by the ancient Gymnasium, which shaped the Olympic Ideal by harmoniously cultivating body, will, and mind. On the eve of the 21st century, the centennial anniversary of the revival of the Olympic Games coincides with the global scale changes that are affecting every aspect of human thought and activity.

We, our cultures, and our civilisations have already entered a greater transitional period in which the images of the world that we were used to taking for granted are being altered. The interrelated scientific, technological, economic, political, and social developments that characterise the course of humanity towards the third millennium are influencing each and every idea, norm, and institution of our international community.

This dynamic wave is also opening up new forms of dialogue for the future of Olympism. Moreover, as can be seen through the study of its age-long history, the Olympic Ideal has always been conceived and formed according to the wider conditions prevailing during different periods in time.

The birth, the prosperity, the decline, and the revival of the Olympic Games have all been the reflection of the wider cultural conditions that shaped each era.

The speculations and potentials still evolving out of the Olympic Movement are naturally arising in the realisation process of such an Ideal.

“Olympism,” in the words of Pierre de Coubertin, “is not a system; it is a state of mind. It can permeate a wide variety of modes of expression, and no single race or era can claim to have the monopoly of it.”

The International Olympic Academy provides a unique opportunity for students, academics, athletes, artists, and officials from all over the world to exchange ideas and share this “state of mind” in Ancient Olympia.

The wide variety of educational sessions, academic programmes, and in depth research studies that are offered all aim towards serving the vision of the International Olympic Academy for the new century: to explore and enhance the contribution of Olympism to humanity.

The mission of the IOA is:

1. to function as an International Academic Centre for Olympic Studies, Education, and Research;
2. to act as an International Forum for free expression and exchange of ideas among the Olympic Family, intellectuals, scientists, athletes, sport administrators, educators, artists, and the youth of the world;
3. to bring together people from all over the world, in a spirit of friendship and cooperation;
4. to motivate people to use the experiences and knowledge gained in the IOA productively, in promoting the Olympic Ideals in their respective countries;
5. to serve and promote the Ideals and principles of the Olympic Movement;
6. to cooperate with and assist the National Olympic Academies and any other institutions devoted to Olympic Education;
7. to further explore and enhance the contribution of Olympism to humanity.

### Educational Programmes of the International Olympic Academy

* International Session for Young Participants
* International Post Graduate Seminar on Olympic Studies
* Joint International Session for Directors of NOAs, Members, and Staff of NOCs and IFs
* Joint International Session for Educationists and Staff of Higher Institutes of Physical Education
* International Session for Sports Journalists
* Special Sessions for institutions related with Olympism: National Olympic Committees, National Olympic Academies, International Sport Federations, Sport Medical Societies, Unions of Coaches, Referees, Sports Administrators, etc.
* Special Sessions for Institutions indirectly related with Olympism (C.I.S.M., Teachers, etc.) aiming to promote the Olympic Ideal
* Educational visits of groups from various institutions (universities, graduate schools, schools, sports clubs)
* Visits of Researchers of Olympic subjects
* Conferences on Sports

All the IOA Sessions are held in Ancient Olympia, and participants are accommodated in the guestrooms located on the Academy grounds.

The IOA has three official languages, English, French and Greek, and participants must be fluent in at least one in order to participate in the educational programmes. The Joint Session for Presidents or Directors of NOAs and Officials of NOCs, is perhaps the most important of all the sessions for the success of almost all the other sessions. This biannual Session aims to bring together Senior Administrators from organizations engaged in creating Olympic Education programmes and involved in educational and social activities aiming to promote the Olympic Movement.

The IOA’s role is to coordinate and assist the NOAs in their work, and this Session provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and educational programmes and the presentation of the activities of the NOAs and NOCs in different countries. Communication and the working culture of the NOCs and NOAs is of paramount importance in the success of these sessions. The choice of participants, preparation, and commitment of the participants is key to the realization of the intended objective.

This year’s session is the tenth in the series. As such, there is need to reflect on the organization and management of these joint sessions so as to improve the quality of the sessions and to realise the intended goal, that of developing and spreading Olympic Education. Communication is an important factor in the success of any humankind undertaking. Several factors contribute either positively or negatively on communication, such as timeliness, language, clarity, accuracy, medium, feedback or response, and ability to follow instruction, the working culture or policy of an organization in relation to communication issues.

This paper sets out to present the problems encountered in the quest of organizing such sessions, specifically focusing on cultural and communication problems.

### Methodology

The literature review method was the primary method used in developing this paper. Published and unpublished sources have been used. Correspondence between IOA, and NOAs, and NOCs, past session presentations and Conclusions were also reviewed. Personal experience from attending a number of sessions of IOA and discussions with IOA Masters students (2009 / 2010), have all been taken into consideration.

### Findings and discussion

* Often times there has been confusion between delegates of NOAs and NOCs to the extent that the IOA has had to request NOAs and NOCs to clearly state whether or not a delegate is a member of NOA or NOC. Sometimes delegates have been sent who are not involved in the Education functions of the NOAs or NOCs.
* Quite a number of delegates are sent to Olympia without prior preparation as to what to expect and what is expected of them. With some countries, there is a turn-over every year, where the policy is to award the trip to members of the NOC in turns. As such, there is no continuity; this has forced the IOA to insist that the President / Director of NOAs must attend the Directors and the joint sessions.
* Non adherence to Final Enrolment date: “We have noticed in the past that many NOAs or NOCs do not submit their application forms in due time. We hereby would like to bring to your attention that no application submitted after the expiry date will be considered.”
* Language: Participants must have an excellent knowledge of either English or French, since they are expected to take active part in the discussion groups which follow the lectures. This is the quintessence of the IOA’s activities, i.e., to get people from all over the world to know and contact one another. It has been repeatedly noticed in the past that quite a few participants cannot understand or speak either English or French and consequently, they are unable to participate fully in the discussion groups. Therefore, all NOCs and NOAs are kindly requested to avoid sending over delegates who do not speak fluently at least one of the above two languages.
* Working relationship between NOAs and NOCs is another challenge that features prominently in the conclusions of the group discussions of the sessions, especially as relates to accessibility to information and financial support. This problem is more pronounced in countries which rely solely on Olympic Solidarity funding. Rarely are any Olympic Education activities undertaken for want of funding. In most other NOCs, NOAs exist only on paper, and no activities take place apart from attending the sessions here in Olympia.
* In the conclusions of English Speaking Group 5, during the 9th International Session For Directors of National Olympic Academies (1- 8 June 2007), Ibrahim Abazid, et, al., considered the challenges, difficulties, and solutions to implementing Olympic Education Program and concluded that there are three key challenges that needed to be addressed. They named these as: relationship between NOA and NOC, communication, and financial difficulties.

### Conclusion

We observe from the above that there are communication problems within the key players involved in the development and dissemination of International Joint Sessions on Olympic Education, namely, the IOC (through OS), the IOA, the NOCs, and NOAs. The gap is more pronounced between NOCs and NOAs. This communication problem is both in terms of availability and timeliness, as well as response or feedback.

This is a result of poor working relationship between NOCs and NOAs; the main cause has been attributed to non-information sharing by the NOCs, even in instances where NOAs are directly under the NOC. NOAs are hardly ever made aware of the funding opportunities from Olympic Solidarity. Even the funds provided to NOCs under “Other Activities” are hardly ever communicated to NOAs; and the quadrennial plans which offer a number of opportunities are unknown to most NOA officials.

It is also noted that in some cases, the NOAs are only on paper, or spring up when it is time for a trip to Olympia; no initiatives are done to organize and spread Olympic education in the respective countries. The young participants who are sent to Olympia are not chosen on merit since there are no Olympic Education activities, in some countries.

Officials not involved in Olympic Education have been sent to these sessions, while being fully aware that they will not involve themselves in the dissemination of Olympic Education when they go back to their countries. NOCs should work together with NOAs to select the best candidates based on merit to attend such sessions. A system should be developed to ensure that those who attend these sessions have the knowledge, motivation, and commitment to embark on creation and spreading of Olympic Education.

A working guideline should be developed to ensure a smooth working relationships among the key players in the development and spread of Olympic Education, namely: the IOC (through Olympic Solidarity), the IOA, the NOCs, and the NOAs. This document should be made available to all and be posted on the IOC and IOA websites.

### References

Binder, D.L. (2005). Challenges and Models for successful Olympic Education Initiatives at Grassroots Level. Paper presented during Forum organized by the Centre for Olympic Studies – Olympic Perspectives.

Binder, D. L. (2007).Teaching Values: An Olympic Education Toolkit. International Olympic Committee, 2007.

Binder, D. L. (2005). Teaching Olympism in Schools: Olympic Education as a focus on Values Education. University of Barcelona – Olympic Studies Centre.

Georgiadis, K. (2008). National Olympic Academies. International Olympic Academy. 9th Joint International Session for Presidents or Directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees 12 – 19 May 2008; Conclusions.

International Olympic Academy – circular Ref. No.: 1376 / KG /st Athens, 8th December 2009.

International Olympic Academy. 8th International Session for Directors of National Olympic Academies 18th – 25th April 2005; Conclusions.

International Olympic Academy. 8th Joint International Session for Presidents or Directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees 23 – 30 May 2006; Conclusions.

International Olympic Academy. 9th International Session for Directors of National Olympic Academies 1 – 8 June 2007; Conclusions.

International Olympic Academy. 9th Joint International Session for Presidents or Directors of National Olympic Academies and Officials of National Olympic Committees 12 – 19 May 2008; Conclusions.

IOA Website. www.ioa.org.gr

IOC. (2007). Olympic Charter. Lausanne, Switzerland.

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