Student Drug Screening

The Board of Education values student athletes not only for their athletic talent but also for their leadership and scholastic abilities. Student athletes, as role models for other students, are a key to our goal of providing the best possible education program for all students. To achieve our goal and to maximize the skills and talents of our students, it is important that every student, and each employee, of our school system understand the dangers of tobacco, drug and alcohol abuse. This policy statement should clarify our position on student athlete tobacco, drug and alcohol use. For the purposes of this policy, school sports teams and cheerleading squads are, therefore, termed student athletes by the Board of Education. In addition, all of these groups perform functions that display them as role models. Participation in extra-curricular activities is a privilege which can be taken away for failure to comply with this policy. The Board reserves the right to depart from this policy where it deems it is appropriate. Except where specifically prohibited by law, the guidelines contained within this document may be changed by the Board at any time. Students covered by this policy will be informed of changes.

Policy Objectives 

  1. To create and maintain a safe, drug-free environment for all student athletes
  2. To encourage any student athlete with a dependence on, or addiction to, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs to seek help in overcoming the problem.
  3. To reduce the likelihood of incidents of accidental personal injury and/or damage to students or property.
  4. To minimize the likelihood that school property will be used for illicit drug activities.
  5. To protect the reputation of the school system and its students.

Substance abuse can be a serious threat to the school system, its students, visitors and employees. It is the belief of the Board that the benefits derived from the policy objectives outweigh the potential inconvenience to athletes. The Board earnestly solicits the understanding and cooperation of all school staff, students and parents, especially those participating in student athletics, in implementing this policy.

The Board expects all student athletes to remain tobacco, alcohol, and drug free. No student athlete shall use tobacco, alcohol or other mood altering substances. Outside conduct of a substance abuse-related nature which affects a student athlete’s sports or academic performance or reflects badly on the school is prohibited and will be addressed administratively. Students must inform their coach/assistant coach/director when they are legitimately taking medication which may affect their ability to practice or compete, in order to avoid creating safety problems and violating this Drug and Alcohol Policy.


To better assure these expectations, the Board reserves the right to require all student athletes to submit to drug tests to maintain safety and security. The School Board has developed this student athletic testing program to follow, as appropriate, the process of 49 CFR Part 40 and the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. The Board encourages and may require its employees to be trained in tobacco, alcohol, and drug usage recognition skills.

Pursuant to Board policy and regulations, students participating in athletics (defined as any student, male or female, in grades seven through twelve, who is a member of any Board sponsored school sports team and cheerleading squads) may be tested prior to beginning a seasonal activity, during the season of the activity, or on a random basis without advance notice. When Board officials (Employees) have reasonable suspicion to believe a student athlete has violated its Alcohol and Drug Policy, they may require the student to undergo drug testing.

A student who has tested positive for tobacco, alcohol, and/or other drugs and whom had the positive test result confirmed by the Board’s Medical Review Officer will be subject to discipline, including suspension from student activities. Refusal to cooperate with the Board in any test investigation will result in discipline, up to and including immediate suspension from participating in student activities.

No student athlete testing positive, refusing to test, refusing to cooperate with testing or being in violation of this policy will be penalized academically. Information, including testing positive, will not be released to criminal or juvenile authorities unless under compulsion by valid state or federal laws.

All information, interviews, reports, statements, memoranda, and test results, either written or otherwise, received by the Board through its drug, alcohol and tobacco testing program are confidential communications and may not be used or received in evidence, obtained in discovery, or disclosed in any public or private proceedings except in the following:

(a) As directed by the specific, written consent of the parent/guardian and/or student authorizing release of the information to an identified person.

(b) To a covered student athlete decision-maker in a lawsuit, grievance, or other proceeding initiated by or on behalf of the student athlete.

Any questions should be directed to the persons assigned as the Board’s Drug Program Coordinator(s).

Note of Clarification:

This policy in no way circumvents nor may be used in place of Board Policy and School Rules pertaining to the use, possession, distribution, manufacturing, of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs at/or away from school, School Board property, or at school sponsored events.

If a student athlete is in violation of such policies and rules, disciplinary consequences will be through normal school channels associated with said policies and rules. The consequences under the “Drug Screening Policy” become secondary.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Hoover City Schools, 100 Municipal Drive, Suite

200, Hoover, AL 35216-5500, (205) 435-1000.